Numerical Mathematics 


Course Journal

Last update: 22/05/24

Lecture 1 - 21/02/24

Introduction. Well-posedness and Condition Number of a Problem and of a Method. Sources of Error in Computational Models. Rounding of a Real Number in its Machine Representation.

Tutorial 1 - 21/02/24

Conditioning Number exercises.

Lecture 2 - 28/02/24

Stability Analysis of Linear Systems. Matrix norms. Solution of Triangular Systems. Implementation of Substitution Methods. The Gaussian Elimination Method (GEM). GEM as a Factorization Method.

Tutorial 2 - 28/02/24

Gauss Elimination exercises.

Lecture 3 - 06/03/24

GEM as a Factorization Method. The Effect of Rounding Errors. Implementation of LU Factorization. Pivoting. Cholesky Factorization. QR Factorization, SVD decomposition.

Tutorial 3 - 06/03/24

Gauss Elimination exercises.

Lecture 4 - 13/03/24

Stationary iterative methods, SOR, Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel methods.

Tutorial 4 - 13/03/24

MatLab exercise on the stationary iterative methods

Stationary iterative methods.

Lecture 5 - 20/03/24

Power method. Ideas of Krylov subspace methods.

Tutorial 5 - 20/03/24

Krylov Subspace Methods vs Stationary Iterative Methods. The power method and Google matrix

Lecture 6 - 27/03/24

Conjugate gradient.

Rootfinding for Nonlinear Equations. Conditioning of a Nonlinear Equation. The Bisection Method, Methods of Chord, Secant, and Newton’s Method. 

Tutorial 6 - 27/03/24


Lecture 7 - 03/04/24

Convergence of Secant and Newton's methods. Stopping criteria.

The Horner Method. 6.4.2 The Newton-Horner Method. 

Tutorial 7 - 03/04/24


Matlab: Newton's method

Lecture 8 - 10/04/24

Newton’s Method for nonlinear systems. 

Polynomial Interpolation. The Interpolation Error. Drawbacks of Polynomial Interpolation on Equally Spaced Nodes and Runge’s Counterexample. Stability of Polynomial Interpolation. Piecewise Lagrange Interpolation. 

Tutorial 8 - 10/04/24

Lagrange Interpolation.

Lecture 9 - 17/04/24

Approximation by Splines. Interpolatory Cubic Splines 

Bézier Curves and De Casteljau algorithm.

Approximation of Functions by Generalized Fourier Series. 10.1.1 The Chebyshev Polynomials. 10.1.2 The Legendre Polynomials

Tutorial 9 - 17/04/24

Cubic splines.

Lecture 10 - 24/04/24

Quadrature Formulae. Interpolatory Quadratures. The Trapezoidal Formula. The Cavalieri-Simpson Formula. Newton-Cotes Formulae. Composite Newton-Cotes Formulae. Gauss quadrature formulas.

Tutorial 10 - 24/04/24

Orthogonal polynomials.

Lecture and Tutorial 11 - 15/05/24


Lecture 12 - 22/05/24

The Cauchy Problem. One-Step numerical methods. Runge-Kutta (RK) methods.

Tutorial 12 - 22/05/24

Gauss quadrature, ODEs


Course completion requirements

It is necessary to obtain the course-credit before passing the exam.

To get the course-credit, one needs to obtain 11 points. The points will be awarded for:

Requirements for the exam

The exam is written and oral, possibly in the form of distance testing and distance interview. The examination requirements are given by the topics in the syllabus, in the extent to which they were taught in course.


For this course you will require access to a MATLAB installation. The university has a Total Academic Headcount MATLAB license, which allows you to install MATLAB locally on your machine (Windows, macOS, or Linux). Alternatively, with this license you can use MATLAB Online, which allows you to access a (lightweight) instance of MATLAB directly in your web browser; this should be sufficient for this course.

In order to install MATLAB locally, or access MATLAB Online, you must register for a MathWorks account using an email address ending with Detailed instructions are available at

Alternatively, you can use the free open source Octave application (in Windows, macOS, Linux, and BSD). The syntax and functions are mostly compatible with MATLAB (at least for the level we will be considering for this course).

Here you can find an introduction to Matlab.

Here a useful summary of Matlab basic functions.

Here is Matlab Onramp, a 2 hours online introduction with useful exercises. 

Materials and literature:


Material discussed in class (in order of appearance):