New Developments in Integrable Systems

Date: March 24 - 27, 2016

Place: Osaka City University, Faculty of Science, Bldg. E, Room E408 (4F)

For access check out Access map.

Faculty of Science Building is located at 12 in Sugimoto Campus map below.

Topics include:

1. Integrable probability

2. Quantum groups

3. Bethe Ansatz

4. Painleve and soliton equations

5. Symmetric functions and Macdonald polynomials

Program, Title and Abstract is here

The following invited speakers agreed to give two lectures.

Ivan Corwin (Columbia/Clay Math Inst/Inst Henri Poincare/MIT)

Kirone Mallick (Saclay)

Jan de Gier (Melbourne)

Thomas Lam (Michigan)

Other invited speakers include:

Shin Isojima (Hosei)

Ken Ito (Aichi Inst of Tech)

Michio Jimbo (Rikkyo)

Saburo Kakei (Rikkyo)

Shouya Maruyama (Tokyo)

Satoshi Naito (Tokyo Tech)

Yosuke Saito (OCAMI)

Kazumitsu Sakai (Tokyo)

Takashi Takebe (National Research U Higher School of Economics)

Organizers: Atsuo Kuniba (Tokyo), Tomoki Nakanishi (Nagoya), Masato Okado (Osaka City), Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo Tech), Yoshihiro Takeyama (Tsukuba)

Contact: Masato Okado (okado (at)

The workshop is a part of ``Infinite Analysis’’ workshop series supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research No. 23340007 from JSPS.

It is also supported by JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers (Oct. 2014-Mar. 2017) "Mathematical Science of Symmetry, Topology and Moduli, Evolution of International Research Network based on OCAMI" (Osaka City University - Kobe University - Waseda University, Principal investigator: Yoshihiro Ohnita).