

20. "Recanati on Mood, Force, and Speech Acts". Forthcoming in Klesis, special issue on The Philosophy of Francois Recanati. Ed. L. Rouille. (penultimate draft)

19. "Austin vs. Searle on Locutionary and Illocutionary Acts". Forthcoming in Inquiry (penultimate draft)

18. "The Unity of Perceptual Content". Philosophical Quarterly, 74, 2024, 941-961 (published version)

17. "Regulative Rules: A Distinctive Normative Kind". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 108, 2024, 772-791 (published version)

16. "Rule-Following II: Recent Work and New Puzzles". Philosophy Compass, 19, 2024 (published version)

15. "Rule-Following I: The Basic Issues". Philosophy Compass, 19, 2024 (published version)

14. "Meaning Change"Analytic Philosophy, Early View 2023 (published version)

13. "Reference, Predication, Judgment and their Relations". Inquiry, Early View, 2022, special issue on the Act-Type Theory of Propositions. Ed. A. Fernandez, P. Hanks.  (penultimate draft)

12. “Rules of Use”. Mind & Language,  38, 2023, 566-583 (published version)

11. "Linguistic Mistakes".  Erkenntnis, 88, 2023, 2191-2206 (published version)

10. "Squid Games and the Lusory Attitude". Analysis, 83, 2022, 638-646 (published version)

9. "On Experiencing Moral Properties". Synthese,  198, 2021, 315-325 (penultimate draft)

8. “Constitutive Rules: Games, Language, and Assertion”. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 100, 2020, 136-159 (penultimate draft)

7. "Predication and Two Concepts of Judgment". In The Act and Object of Judgment. Ed. B. Ball, C. Schuringa. Routledge, 2019, 217-234 (penultimate draft)

6. "Predication and the Frege-Geach Problem". Philosophical Studies 176, 2019, 141-159 (penultimate draft)

 5. “Experience, Seemings, and Evidence”. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 96, 2015, 510-534 (penultimate draft)

 4. “The Disunity of Perception: An Introduction”. w/ Jack Lyons, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 96, 2015, 433-435 (penultimate draft)

 3. “On Experiencing Meanings”. Southern Journal of Philosophy, 53, 2015, 481-492 (penultimate draft)

 2. “On Experiencing High-Level Properties”. American Philosophical Quarterly, 51, 2014, 177-187 (penultimate draft)

 1. “Propositional Attitudes and Mental Acts”. Thought, 1, 2013, 239-245 (penultimate draft)

Articles in Estonian (see also Public)

2. "Kõneteod, Keelelised ja Sotsiaalsed". Keel, vaim, tunnetus. Toim. B. Mölder, J. Kangilaski. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2023 (penultimate draft)

1. "Mis on filosoofia?". Studia Philosophica Estonica, 2, 2009, 19-31 (link)

Book Reviews

4. "Review of Mark Richard's Meanings as Species". Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2021 (link)

3. "Review of Gary Ostertag's Meanings and Other Things: Themes from the Work of Stephen Schiffer". Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2018 (link)

2. "Review of Michelle Montague's The Given: Experience and Its Contents". Analysis, 78, 2018, 374-377 (penultimate draft)

1. "Review of Peter Hanks's Propositional Content". Philosophical Review, 126, 2017, 132-136 (penultimate draft)

Edited Volumes

The Disunity of Perception, special issue of Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 96, 2015, Co-edited with Jack Lyons


"Meaningfulness, Conventions, and Rules" (e-mail for draft)

"Semantic Intentions" (e-mail for draft)

"Demonstratives, Intentions, and Having in Mind" (in progress)

"What is it to Say that p?" (in progress)

"Assertion: Between Saying and Telling" (in progress)

Unpublished (and likely to remain so) 

"Saying 'Thank You!' and Expressing Gratitude: A Response to Schwartz" (draft)