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Indo-US Workshop on

Recent Advances in Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Applications in Clean Energy Technologies

December 21-22, 2013

Indian Institute of Technology Ropar

Rupnagar, Punjab – 140001, INDIA

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Indo-US Science & Technology Forum


Microscale and nanoscale heat transfer plays a critical role in determining the efficiency of energy conversion processes. There has been increased interest in experimental and theoretical research in this field due to exciting new potential applications in clean and renewable energy conversion. While on one hand, there is significant potential in the application of micro/nanoscale heat transfer principles for high-efficiency energy conversion, there is also much promise in efficient thermal energy storage based on engineered materials and devices. Research in this field has been ongoing at institutions in both US and India.

This joint US-India workshop aims to bring researchers from leading institutions from the two countries under a common forum and facilitate discussions for possible collaborative research between the two countries. This workshop will feature invited talks from leading researchers. The workshop will bridge the existing gap between the research communities in India and the US by providing a forum for researchers from the two countries to present and discuss recent advances in this exciting field and to identify possible directions for common collaborative research. It is expected that the proposed workshop will catalyze closer research relationships between institutions from US and India, leading to joint research proposals, publications and exchange of researchers for visits, sabbaticals, etc. Synergistic collaboration in the field of micro/nanoscale heat transfer is expected to lead to creative, inter-disciplinary research that benefits research communities from both countries.


Patron: Prof. M. K. Surappa, Director, IIT Ropar

Chairman: Prof. P. K. Raina, Dean (A&R), IIT Ropar

Co-Chairman: Dr. Harpreet Singh, Head (Mechanical), IIT Ropar

Organizing Secretaries: Dr. Himanshu Tyagi, IIT Ropar & Dr. Ankur Jain, University of Texas at Arlington

Local Organizing Committee: Faculty and staff, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Ropar


Prof. Amit Agrawal*, IIT Bombay, INDIA

Prof. Portonovo S. Ayyaswamy*, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Prof. Debjyoti Banerjee*, Texas A&M University, USA

Prof. Suman Chakraborty*, IIT Kharagpur, INDIA

Prof. Sarit K. Das*, IIT Madras, INDIA

Prof. Ram Devireddy*, Louisiana State University, USA

Prof. Pradip Dutta, IISc Bangalore, INDIA

Dr. Ankur Jain*, University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Prof. Sanjeev Jain*, IIT Delhi, INDIA

Prof. Yogendra Joshi*, Georgia Tech, USA

Prof. Sunil R. Kale, IIT Delhi, INDIA

Dr. Satish Kumar*, Georgia Tech, USA

Dr. Todd Otanicar*, University of Tulsa, USA

Dr. Ravi Prasher *, Sheetak Energy Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon, INDIA

Prof. C. S. Sobhan, NIT Calicut, INDIA

Dr. R. R. Sonde*, Thermax Ltd, Pune, INDIA

* Confirmed


Dr. Supreet S. Bahga*, IIT Delhi

Shri. H. S. Cheema*, Cheema Boilers, Chandigarh, INDIA

Dr. Subhra Dutta*, IIT Delhi

Dr. Rishi Raj*, IIT Patna

Dr. Vinod Srinivasan*, IISc Bangalore

Dr. Himanshu Tyagi*, IIT Ropar

* Confirmed

PROGRAM OUTLINE: PDF File containing the schedule

The workshop will feature several lectures by invited speakers as well as session talks on both the days (Dec 21st and Dec 22nd, 2013) as well as a poster session on the 1st day (Dec 21st, 2013). The following topics will be discussed by various speakers during this workshop:

Applications of nanoscale heat transfer in sustainable energy

Compacting Heat Transfer Systems in New and Advanced Power Cycle Systems

Current Conduction in Nanochannels: Application to Electrokinetic Energy Conversion

Desalination Using Ion-Exchange and Precipitation Across Ion-Concentration Shock Waves

Enhanced Heat Capacity of Nanofluids for Solar Thermal Applications

Gas Flow in Microchannel

Hydro-Electric Energy Conversion through Nanofluidic Channels

Microporous Membrane Contactors for Solar Liquid Desiccant Cooling

Multiscale Modeling of Nanocarrier Motion in a Flowing Non-Newtonian Fluid

Nanofluids: The Future of Thermal Applications and Management

Phase Change on Micro and Nano Structures

Thermal Effects in Cryopreservation and Other Biotransport Problems

Thermal Management of Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Systems

Thermal Phenomena in Biological Microsystems

Thermo-Fluidic Transport Processes Near the Microscopic Three-Phase Contact Line

Theoretical Modeling of Nanoscale Thermal Transport in Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene


There is an opportunity for a limited number of students, postdocs, and young faculty (from India) to present posters on their research to workshop participants. To apply, please submit three documents

i) the filled out registration form,

ii) a one-page abstract on your research, and

iii) current CV

(as PDF or WORD documents) to indous.iitrpr@gmail.com by 10-Dec-2013 02-Dec-2013. Decision notifications will be sent by 14-Dec-2013 09-Dec-2013. The subject line of the email should contain the phrase “Abstract for IUSSTF-MNHT” along with the applicant’s name. A poster size of up to 36 x 48" is recommended. If the proposed poster deviates significantly from these guidelines, please contact us.


Registration form (PDF file), (WORD file)

Brochure (PDF file)


The workshop will be held in Halls L2 and L3 (first floor) of Indian Institute of Technology Ropar on December 21st (Saturday), and December 22nd (Sunday), 2013. Here is a map of IIT Ropar:


Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar is one of the eight new IITs set up by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, to expand the reach and enhance the quality of technical education in the country. This institute is committed to providing state-of-the-art technical education in a variety of fields and also for facilitating transmission of knowledge in keeping with latest developments in pedagogy. These two areas of focus will enable students to gain exposure to recent trends in their chosen domains of study and gain practical experience through a wide variety of activities the institute facilitates in its own campus and arranges for in collaboration with industry and other institutes. At present, the institute offers Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) programme in the following disciplines: Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering; the students are selected through IIT Joint Entrance Examination conducted every year. In addition, the institute now offers doctoral programme in several disciplines. The institute has around 60 faculty members, 85 PhD students and 470 undergraduate students.


In India

Dr. Himanshu Tyagi

Assistant Professor

School of Mechanical Materials & Energy Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Ropar

Rupnagar, Punjab - 140001


Email: indous.iitrpr@gmail.com

Phone: +91-1881-242119


Dr. Ankur Jain

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

University of Texas at Arlington

Arlington, TX, 78735


Email: jaina@uta.edu

Phone: +1-817-272-9338


Support from Indian Institute of Technology Ropar and Indo-US Science and Technology Forum in organizing this event is gratefully acknowledged.
