Works In Progress

This part of my site features my current WIP project(s), as well as pictures of finished customs during their creation. WIP stands for Work In Progress. It's a great way to show that customizing sometimes involves quite a lot of work.

I personally really like seeing WIP pictures of others' customs. The customizers' community is all about having fun with altering stock toys and sharing thoughts, techniques and knowledge with each other.

Various customizing boards have a special tutorial section, made by the customizers and for the customizers. WIP pictures can be viewed as a kind of tutorial. It's also a great way for others to comment on the different steps and maybe give hints for improvement.

Last Droid Standing mini dio

This is a little project I started in January '09. The poseability of the GI Joe 25th. Anniversary figures is ideal for some great action poses. I added a ROTS Shaak Ti skirt and already this Scarlett body looks a lot more like a Jedi. The last picture shows the completed Jedi figure.


The idea behind this little scene is of a female Jedi who has just sliced the last (Super) Battle Droid. Which is only seconds away from losing his top half from his lower half.


I finished this little dio at the end of April '09. Check out the pictures here.





(click a thumbnail to see a larger picture)

The Force Unleashed: Shaak Ti

Over at Yakface we have a Group Project for September and October 2008. The theme is Shaak Ti as seen in the videogame The Force Unleashed. Each participant tries to make the best Shaak Ti he/she can, either based on her appearance in the game, the comic book or in concept arts. What's really fun is to see all kinds of different approaches on creating Shaak Ti. For instance some use soft goods materials to make her outfit while others sculpt it on. You can view finished Shaak Ti customs and WIPs over here.


Below are pictures of how I'm doing so far:



Shaak TI was completed by the end of October 2008. Check out the final result in the Custom Figures section.


(click a thumbnail to see a larger picture)

TIE Fighter diorama

This diorama is my first and it's quite big for that as well. But it's great working on it, especially adding the damage to the crashed ship. I've had some great tips from fellow customizer from down under, Ron Hemble. Ron is a very talented customizer and has made some mind blowing dioramas and customs. Be sure to check out his site for many wonderful and detailed customs.


The idea for my diorama came when seeing Ron's On The Run mini dio, in which we see a Rebel pilot on the run from his Imperial pursuers. I thought it would be cool to see the Imperials also ended up in such dire situations sometimes. My TIE Fighter will be set on an arid, desert planet. Shot down, but skillfully crash landed by an ace pilot, who will be seen limping away from his fighter, knowing his Rebel pursuers won't be far away.....



(click a thumbnail to see a large picture)

A-Wing Fighter

This A-Wing Fighter is my first custom vehicle. I decided to go for a kind of WW2 look on this bird, including a wicked pin-up art piece on the tail fins of the A-Wing, designed by fellow board member jpc_art at Rebelscum. Below is a series of WIP pics in chronological order. At the moment I'm working on the cockpit, placing pieces of sheet styrene in it to add more depth and detail. I'm still in debate whether or not to add some LEDs. That'd be a first for me as well. 




(click a thumbnail to see a larger picture)

Krath Shocktrooper

The Krath Shocktrooper is a minor character in the Tales of the Jedi comic book series Dark Lords of the Sith. Issue #2 of this 6-part series has a beautiful cover by Hugh Fleming, depicting a Krath Shocktrooper in the heat of battle. I used this image as a starting point, but also an image from the comic itself.

Below is a selection of WIP pictures and the final custom. More pictures of the Krath Shocktrooper can be seen here.


(click a thumbnail to see a larger picture)