
List of games, no particular order (but top few are always the best of all times)

Favourite RTS game must be StarCraft, which had some big & positive impact on me, made me the me (version) today.

Quote from HN post comments

StarCraft and the expansion set (Brood War) had huge influence on my student days (they way of thinking, overview of strategies vs tactics, economy, resources).

To some extent it helped me to find passion and inspired me to be the me today (still benefit from the stuff I learned over the years playing SC when designing UI, Operational Workflows, software engineering, Architecture of IT infrastructure), and will definitely go further.

I was very excited to see Blizzard make StarCraft Remastered and purchased when it was made available, played with some passionate friends from time to time, unfortunately, it's so hard to find people with similar level of skills (intermediate) nowadays to have a good game (also, it takes time for a single game, which we don't have nowadays).

BTW: Grrr..., Slayers_Boxer, remember the names? StarCraft helped to shape up eSports industry and created 1 of the greatest pro gamers in history. Look at the eSports industry today, phenomenal and incredible. Cannot imagine taking a pro gaming career back then, parents would have beaten the shit of that dreaming boy.

  • StarCraft Remastered

    • StarCraft: Brood War

    • WarCraft III and its expansions

    • Clash Royale (mobile game)

    • Gears of War series (Xbox platform)

    • God of War (PlayStation)

    • Counter-Strike

    • ...

To be continued...

Overall, nothing beats original StarCraft ;-)