My Apps

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IPSearch Java Swing Edition


Source code (most of) @ GitHub


A Java Swing based tool which looks up IP addresses in a regular updated local database to get the geo location and the other way around. it is quite primitive and probably a piece of shit some gurus;-) I wrote this just to consolidate my Core Java skills, Swing/Networking and WSH/Bash scripting, as well as to test the Java cross-platform feature.

To be honest this was my first attempt to implement a swing application using MVC design pattern. It turned out to be very hard to fit this design pattern into such a GUI application.

IPsearch J2EE Edition (Struts):

This version is based on Struts J2EE framework which was quite popular in 2004 along with Spring and Hibernate. It's quite simple, just as my 'hello world' for Struts.

SMTP module implemented in pure JAVA:

This is a part of my graduate thesis. It's a part of a Java Email filtering system. I read through the source code of Eric Daugherty's open source project JES (Java email server) and was able to rip and enhance it (Log4J used as logging system for the module)as a independent module. This module was developed on Fedora Core 2 and JDK 1.5.0.

What does it do?

Running the program just simply dump the SMTP request and the whole email to a serialized plain text file.

I have had a deep understanding of Java network programming/POP3/SMTP when researching this.

Article: Install JDK on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora Core and Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu

My Article regarding Chinese support for JDK 1.5, published on Java Research, a Chinese Java web community. Initial version written in October, 2004. Based on JDK 1.5.0, OS Fedora Core 2.