DURALEDGE Project”Durable leading edges for high tip speed wind turbine blades”


Contact persons:

Project Coordinator: Leon Mishnaevsky Jr. (Senior Scientist, Dr. habil),

Project Leader: Bent F. Sørensen (Professor, Dr. techn.)


to improve the lifetime of wind turbine blades, and reduce service and maintenance costs during the operation of the turbines

International Symposium on Leading Edge Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades,

4-6. February 2020, Risø, Denmark

Link: https://www.conferencemanager.dk/leewtb


  1. S.D. Rad, L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades: Computational modelling of multiaxial fatigue, Wind Energy, 2020,

  2. L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Repair of wind turbine blades: Review of methods and related computational mechanics problems, Renewable Energy, Vol. 140, 2019, pp. 828-839

  3. L. Mishnaevsky Jr.,et al, Micromechanisms of leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades: X-Ray tomography analysis and computational studies Wind Energy 2019;1–16.

  4. L. Mishnaevsky Jr., K. Thomsen, Costs of repair of wind turbine blades: Influence of technology aspects, Wind Energ, 2020

  5. L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Toolbox for optimizing anti-erosion protective coatings of wind turbine blades, Wind Energy 2019;1–18.

  6. L. Mishnaevsky Jr., J. Sütterlin, Micromechanical model of surface erosion of polyurethane coatings on wind turbine blades, Polymer Degradation and Stability Vol. 166, 2019, pp.283-289

  7. S.D. Rad, L. Mishnaevsky Jr. Rain erosion of wind turbine blades: Computational analysis, Meccanica, 55, 725–743(doi:10.1007/s11012-019-01089-x)