Second Project

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Project 2

Project delivery and description

Group Work (Weight: 40%) - 06/07/2016

Graded Group of 4 Project, timeframe 5+ weeks, final delivery week of 6th of July 2016. The Time management of handling the project will be part of the grading. Milestones will be given to students to be kept. You will publish all your ideas, meetings and decisions, job assignments, research work done on the class wiki You will be graded within your team but individual performances will be evaluated and eventually can result into the adjustment of your individual grade. Details on your wiki.

Product:1. web page an online hotel reservation system for Switzerland Hotels.

Objective: Increase number of daily hits through relevant social media campaign (no hacking, no spamming). Include ideas on developing the website and any other useful tools that can help the website become more competitive. There should be a part which can be done without budget and one with a budget of roughly 5000 CHF.

Delivery: Present your project through executive summary page in Wiki and a supporting Prezi (embedded onto course wiki to A. Georgiou). All assignments will be presented into the class and the best one will be selected to present their concept to an audience. Use tools that are available through research and discuss the following.

1. History or the website

2. Offerings

3. Competition

4. Recommend actions for improving the website

5. Recommend actions for increasing popularity via social networks

6. Recommend actions for E – marketing via ad words

Be creative and give ideas on how the new age of E marketing can help the company increase sales.

Marking criteria:

Your project work will be measured based on how well you handled an ICT in the time given. Your progress of work must be visible through the project wiki. Your final delivery should be done in a professional way using ICT technologies. Ensure that you provide enough references and document your decisions. Ensure that you have done enough research to provide a customized proposal for the company. Weight: 40%

Students will additionally be awarded marks on their development of the website based on their Wiki contributions Weight: 20%.


B: Assessment 2

Group Work (Weight: 40%) - 06/07/2016

Project delivery and description


You need to create a web site for your own Restaurant located in Luzern. You are required to decide on the theme and the menu concept of the restaurant. You will need to implement all the information you have learned in the MIS.


To create a web site that follows the trends of the Restaurant Industry and implement the right design and marketing strategies to increase number of daily hits through relevant social media campaign (no hacking, no spamming). Include ideas on developing the website and any other useful tools that can help the website become more competitive. There should be a part which can be done without budget and one with a budget of roughly 5000 CHF.

Delivery: Present your project through executive summary page in Wiki and a supporting Prezi (embedded onto course wiki to A. Georgiou). All assignments will be presented into the class at the last week of classes. Use tools that are available through research and discuss the following.

1. Offerings – Menu, wine, other

2. Competition

3. Recommend actions for improving the website to maximize effectiveness

4. Recommend actions for increasing popularity via social networks

5. Recommend actions for E – marketing via ad words

Be creative and give ideas on how the new age of E marketing can help the company increase sales.

The Time management of handling the project will be part of the grading. Milestones will be given to students to be kept. Create a project wiki to publish all your ideas, meetings and decisions, job assignments, research work done. You will be graded within your team but individual performances will be evaluated and eventually can result in the adjustment of your individual grade. Details on your wiki.

The Purpose (Mission)

    • An understanding of various IS concepts and their component parts and identify fundamentals of information technology
    • Explain major hospitality-specific information systems and enterprise information systems, as well as their appropriate design, deployment and management;
  • Recognize trends in IS and apply them to the hospitality industry.

These are the targets we want to meet

    • Utilize all means necessary to develop a modern and funky presentation trough PREZI presentation.
    • Incorporate your Marketing Skills with Web Technology and E marketing to present solutions to the side
    • Use your creativity to give alternative examples on how the side can be promoted through web and social networks.

This is how our organization will gain.

  • Brand Name
  • Accessibility
  • Increase daily clicks
  • Utilize all e marketing tools
  • Gain competitive advantage
  • Increase customer numbers


  1. Learn how to build a wiki
  2. Use your Marketing skills to develop a e marketing plan
  3. Combine above skills and technology thus internet and PREZI
  4. Provide marketing leads on how you the website can get more daily clicks.

Measurable Objectives:

  1. Prezi Presentation
  2. Utilization of all E marketing tools
  3. Creativity and
  4. Alternative Marketing