
[Presentations][Projects] [Workshops][Other]

Note: These pages are updated daily based on IMAGinE registrations, so check back for new content.

IMAGinE is a user-generated unconference, meaning that all activities are initiated and conducted by YOU!

If you haven't defined your activity during registration, you can email it to

We envision several types of possible activities at IMAGinE:

  • Presentations and Discussions: Give a 30-minute presentation on any topic, from "Creating Art from Heavenly Bodies " to "The State of the Art in Deep Learning for Machine Vision". You can also lead a discussion on a topic, where you give a few opening remarks, and then open it up for comments from the audience, for example on "The Future of Volumetric Imaging" or "Is Virtual Reality an Escape from Reality?". We supply projectors, you bring your laptop.
  • Projects: This is your chance to show what you've done! Whether it's a video art project, an awesome photo, a cool software application or a next-generation video sharing website, bring it with you and put it on display. We supply tables and electricity, you bring computers, screens and everything else.
  • Workshops: These are hands-on sessions where you can teach a specific photography technique or show to edit 3D video.
  • Other Activities: Anything that doesn't fit into these categories goes under that page. Any crazy idea that you may have for a visual-related activity, just let us know!