Green Day Celebrations- 15, July 2017

Post date: 18-Jul-2017 08:12:03

No Water No Life, No Blue No Green

To infuse the love for nature among students and make them realize the need for green and healthy earth, Future School celebrated the Green Day in the school for the students of classes I-X.

The students enjoyed celebrating Green Day at the school. They were taught the importance of green vegetables, plants, and many more things. The importance of plants and trees in the human life was discussed with them.

The school premises were abuzz with activities throughout the day. The students of the school came dressed in green attires presenting a soothing view.

Various competitions were held in the school premises such as debate, singing for classes IX & X. Craft using the thermocol balls and games for class I & II, drawing completion for class III to V.

The students of class VI- VII were busy in the drawings highlighting “Save the nature”. While the students of class VIII-IX prepared charts defining on saving the trees, planting of saplings, and to save the earth.

The children enjoyed this activity enthusiastically and were happy. After completing the activity the students along with their teachers decorated the classrooms with their colorful drawings and charts.

More images of the event are here