
May 2022 gEndeR pay and gender position gap in Career trAjectories to improve policies in the post Covid-19 era (Project acronym: ERICA). Fondazione Cariplo, Milan, Italy. Applied for 130 400 EUR. Outcome pending.

Jul 2022 "Shades of green: automated tools for assessing ESG bonds". Research Innovation Fund. BEI School Seed Funding. Birkbeck, London, UK. 5000 GBP.

Nov 2021 "Visiting to the UK" grant (scheme 2), London Mathematical Society, London, UK. 1500 GBP.

2016 "Hedge funds: portfolio composition and risk exposure”, University of Greenwich, London, UK. 3325 GBP.

2014 - 2015 New Frontiers of Peer Review (PEERE). European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action TD1306. Funds for the activity of management committee member and the participation at the working group meetings in Budapest (2014), Lisbon and Zurich (2015).