秋は 寝覚めのベッドに落葉が降って
春は 花の香りが仕事場を満たすように
夏は 机に木陰ができるように
雨の天井は ザアザアと鳴る
曇りの天井は 抽象的なスクリーン
冬は 暖かい陽が地面に届く
晴れた天井には 雲が流れ
昼は 空気が上に昇る
雪の日は 白く柔らかな屋根となる
朝は 消えゆく星を眺め
水を分解し 酸素にする
夕暮れ 部屋中 茜色に染まり
夜の壁には 影絵が動く
土の床に 木が根を張って
On rainy, the ceiling rings strongly,
On cloudy, it is an abstract screen,
On winter, the Sunshine pours into the ground.
On sunny, floating cloud is reflected in the ceiling,
On autumn, the leaf falls in the bed of awaking,
人は その酸素を吸って仕事をし
木を育てようと 水を撒く
厳しさから守るための コンクリートのテント
優しさに溶けていくための 庭のような場所
儚さを知るために 生物に囲まれて
月日が経てば 墓となる
Atelier Tenjinyama
On spring, smell of flower covers the office,
On summer, shade of tree is dropped,
The person breathes in this oxygen and is work,
To grow the tree, I water it.
Tent concrete is to defend from severity,
Place like garden is to melt to geniality,
To know transience, we are enclosed by the living thing,
If time passes, here is becomes a grave.
世界中何処に住んでも,私たちの周りにはダイナミックに変化し続ける環境がある.地球の動きから生じる季節と時間と天候.都市にいれば社会があるし,自然の中であれば 森や海や生き物に囲まれている.それらは複雑で,厳しく,儚く,美しい.その大きな流れに身を委ね,微差を愛で,一瞬一瞬に感動できる建築を作りたい.群馬県高崎市という,夏の宵に雷雨が多く,冬は晴れと空っ風が続く環境の中で,それを試みたのがこの作品である.
Enjoy the environment that always changes
Primitive building was born to prevent rain and wind.
This building is made by only four pieces of walls and roof. This primitive constitution showed the possibility "a person is able to get along somehow". But in fact, in this building, it is filled with joy, presence of mind, and discovery.
Design method is simple. Make a box to live, establish the window to be connected with the town, grind a ceiling transparently to look up at the blue sky, plant trees to make bowers, make a floor soil so that roots grows, and raise a ceiling to be brought up greatly. So there are the scene that is various inside and out, and come across the scene beyond the imagination. This is comfort of the kinds unlike a feeling of outdoor openness. There is comfort to lead to the outside from the place that was followed physically, psychologically. In this building, I can enjoy wind and rain, not to prevent them.
There is our environment that continues changing dynamically around all over the world. There are seasons and time and weather coming out of movement of the earth. If in city, there is society. If in nature, we are surrounded by a forest and the sea and creatures. They are complicated, strictly, fleetingly and beautiful. I want to make the buildings it can be impressed by for an instant entrusting the position to the big environmental flow, and enjoy a slight difference. This atelier is in the environment where an evening of the summer has many thunderstorms, winter has fine weather and strong dry wind blow in.
Completion photograph is recorded the beginning of the story of Atelier Tenjinyama. We are eagerly looking forward to meet the scene like "Birth and the breeding and disappear before long."
設計: 生物建築舎
構造: 鈴木啓/ASA
施工: 建築舎四季
設計期間: 2007.7 - 2010.1
施工期間: 2010.1 - 2011.1
構造: 鉄筋コンクリート造
敷地面積:177.18 ㎡
建築面積: 61.93 ㎡
延床面積: 61.93 ㎡
用途: 事務所+住宅
屋根: 強化ガラス t=8mm 飛散防止フィルム貼り
外壁: 鉄筋コンクリート
Architect: Takashi Fujino / Ikimono Architects
Structural Engineers: Akira Suzuki / ASA
Landscape: Atsuo Ota / ACID NATURE 0220
General Contractors: Kenchikusha Shiki Inc.
Design: 2007.7 - 2010.1
Construction: 2010.1 - 2011.1
Structure: Reinforced concrete
Site area: 177.18 square meters
Building area: 61.93 square meters
Floor Area: 61.93 square meters
Use: Office + Residential
Roof: Safety glass shatterproof
Exterior: Reinforced concrete
毎日の様子は 生物建築舎日記 にて
Copyright(c) IKIMONO ARCHITECTS All rights reserved
Resolves water and it makes it to oxygen,
In the evening, the room is stained with madder red,
In the night, the shadowgraph moves on the wall.
The trees puts the root on the floor of soil,
In the daytime, air rises up,
On snowy, it is a white, soft roof,
In the morning, look at a disappearing star,