Igpet Software

Current versions on Jan 1, 2024

Mac version, compiled with Ventura in December 2023

Windows 11 version, compilation in December 2023


The Future

In 2023, I purchased new code signing certificates and associated software so that virus checking software might be appeased and allow installation of Igpet. I can't guarantee that because code signing and notarization are just black boxes to me. My ignorance, the difficulty of implementation and the high cost is driving me out of business. If I remain healthy, I plan to make a 2025 version, a 40th anniversary version and most likely the last. At that point updates will stop but distributed instal packages will still be valid because they have time stamps. Keep you DGMs (Mac) and ZIPs (Windows)!

December 2023

Continuing revision to installation packaging, with new signing certificates and notarization process for Mac. Improvements to symbol customization. New sym.txt files can line with and scale factors so that each symbol can be given different sizes.

Igpet paper to cite

Carr, MJ, and E Gazel, 2017. Igpet software for modeling igneous processes: examples of application using the open educational version. Miner Petrol 111:283–289 DOI 10.1007/s00710-016-0473-z

Igpet: a modeling and graphics package for Igneous Petrology

I began creating software for igneous petrology around 1972, while in graduate school. Once personal computers arrived, the software got complicated enough that I needed motivation to justify the time required for maintenance so, in 1985, I made a business, Terra Softa. I maintain three programs and provide them in a package called Igpet. Igpet is the core program, but there is also a Mixing program that calculates fractional crystallization and magma mixing using least squares, and a CIPW program. I consider the CIPW program freeware. 

Examine the Igpet Gallery of images posted below. Click the down-pointing arrow on the right side. The image gallery is the quickest introduction to Igpet's capabilities. Some Word versions may lower the image quality so check the pdf files below for an accurate view of the current PDF graphics output. The Windows graphics prior to 2020 were WMF files.

For a better idea of what is in Igpet, download the Igpet Paper (2017), the Igpet Manual and the Workbook below. Click the down-pointing arrows on the right side. IgpetEvolution is a draft that has mostly been superseeded.

To Purchase Igpet

Igpet is available from RockWare Inc. and Terra Softa Inc. (aka Michael Carr)

To order from RockWare, Click this link for RockWare

To order from Terra Softa, contact me:  carrvolcano at gmail dot com

PayPal is convenient for payment to Terra Softa. I just ask PayPal to send an Invoice. 

Checks and PO's also work.

Checks and POs for direct orders from Terra Softa should be made out to:

Terra Softa Inc.

c/o Michael Carr

19 Esplanade  Dr.

Somerset, NJ 08873 USA

Terra Softa's academic prices are:

$199 - single user (student discount available, contact MJ Carr via email)

$398 - site license for Windows or Mac 

$498 - site license for both Windows and Mac platforms

$15 handling (waived if you send a check or use PayPal)

Terra Softa's standard prices for government agencies and industry are:

$299 for a single user (student discounts available from MJ Carr)

$498 for a site licence for Windows or Mac

$598 -for a double site license (i.e. for both Windows and Mac platforms)

$15 handling (waived if you send a check or use PayPal)

Upgrade prices                

within two years:

academic/individual: $49 for a single user, $198 for a site license, $218 for a double site license

Gov't/Industry:         $99 for a single user, $249 for a site license, $269 for a double site license

within 3-5 years 

academic/individual: $149 for a single user, $298 for a site license, $338 for a double site license

Gov't/Industry:         $249 for a single user, $398 for a site license, $438 for a double site license

beyond 5 years: $20 discount

Trial/Student version               

Trial/Student version of Igpet  Takes you to the student version of Igpet, called tIgpet. This version is free but the diagrams produced are jpg images, not vector graphics.  

Here are a few of Igpet's features. The downloads below give a more complete picture.