May 6th

Finally, the last day arrived.

We all woke up early to be  in front of our hostel at a quarter to seven. Everyone was so tired. 

Our bus came and took us to Stansted Airport. (Most of us spent the time on the bus having a rest.)

We had breakfast at the airport and walked around the terminal visiting some shops. Then, at quarter past eleven, we “ran” to gate 41 because we were a little late.

We left London at ten past twelve and arrived in Santiago at twenty past three pm. Students and teachers took our last group picture and then hugged our relatives, who were there waiting for us.

This schooltrip has taught us a lot about Great Britain, London and English, but also about organization, cohabitation and the teachers' daily work. The recording group is sure that everyone is so thankful to them.

We promise that we’ll work very hard on the souvenir video for this trip.

Thank you so much!

The Recording Group. Sara Molinos, Lorena Diéguez and Daniel Blanco.