20 April  First day

Santiago airport ready to take our flght to London.

Waiting for the underground. It is not peak hour. We can enjoy the first trip.

At the main door of St. James Backpackers Hostel.

After visiting the Science Museum.

Dinner time at Covent Garden!

This is our first day in London. We arrived at the airport early in the morning.

Then, we took off and arrived at London at midday.

We took the train and the tube to the hostel, we got ready, and we went on foot to the Science Museum.

Later we went to Harrods and after this, we had dinner in Covent Garden.

At the end of the day, we took underground back to the hostel.

This day was a bit stressful because we had to take a lot of transports. However, it was such a sunny day, and that's not very common in London.

To sum up, this was lovely day.

Antía, Mario, María, Anxo, Victor and Pablo.

Old plane at the Science Museum. Lovely!