
In addition to promoting the development of hyper-heuristics in research, under the Technical Committee of Intelligent Systems Applications, we also aim to motivate the applications of hyper-heuristics in real world complex and constrained problems.

The research of hyper-heuristics is inherently interdisciplinary, and lies naturally at the interface of Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence and Operational Research. To realise the objectives, we aim to organise a range of activities under the proposed task force and jointly with task forces within other Technical Committees at IEEE Computational Intelligence Society:

  • To organise future events including workshops, special sessions and/or tutorials at international conferences.

  • To organise special issues at international journals in AI, CI and OR.

  • Facilitate the collaboration between researchers and practitioners in Hyper-heuristics by means of meetings and publications in international journals.

  • Contribute to the development of original thinking in Hyper-heuristics.

  • Exchange experiences and knowledge, promote critical discussion, and facilitate contacts with researchers and practitioners in this research area.