Research Interests

Capital Structure,  Business Relations,  Financial Distress,  International Finance,  Real Estate,  Household Finance

Working papers

Do Specialized Distress Investors Undermine Upstream Lending? (with Fernando Anjos and Miguel Oliveira)

SKEMA Corporate Restructuring Conference 2023, Vienna Festival of Finance Theory 2023, Cambridge/ Nova SBE Workshop, Lubrafin 2023 

Consumption Smoothing via Product Markets (with Alexander W. Butler, Umit Gurun and Yessenia Tellez)


Unpledged Collateral, REIT Liquidity Constraints, and Asset Sales  (with Mehdi Rasteh and Erkan Yönder) The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, June 2023

How Global is Your Mutual Fund? International Diversification from Multinationals (with Miguel A. Ferreira, Pedro Matos and Clemens Sialm) The Review of Financial Studies, July 2022

Shuffling Through the Bargain Bin: Real Estate Holdings of Public Firms (with Umit Gurun and Erkan Yönder) Review of Finance, May 2020

Government Debt and Capital Structure Decisions: International Evidence (with Jennifer Huang and Clemens Sialm) Journal of Financial Economics, August 2019

Corporate Diversification and the Cost of Debt (with Piet Eichholtz and Erkan Yönder) The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, January 2018