The Arabic word “Salat” means Reaching-out, and it is repeatedly mentioned in the book as a vital process, a natural result of believe, and a confirmation of faith. It is also a major intensive method/process of remembering GOD, the truth, and the commandments and to maintain awareness. Not only if one third of the world population believe and perform salat (so-called prayer) in a certain way, Actually even if the ENTIRE world population do so, I will not follow… why? Because:


1) That does not ensure that it is right. Billions of people believe and worship Jesus as the son of GOD, and many others have all kinds of false unrealistic, illogical believes.[6:116]


2) Because it is my personal responsibility to GOD to check and verify for myself [17:36].


3) Because I take my guidance from the very book that I (after studying, checking and verifying) believe to be the true sensible, and logical, truthful book of ultimate wisdom and unequaled guidance.[45:6]


4) Because I uphold my GOD-given freedom and intelligence and refuse to be enslaved by blind-following my ancestors, parents, imams and so-called scholars, hearsay, lies, pure conjectures, and all kinds of nonsense and falsehood.[31:21]


5) Because I don’t take sources that are proven to not only contradicts GOD’S book, but proven to distort HIS message, and distort HIS image, HIS message’s image, and HIS messenger’s image as a source of guidance. Sources that violate the most fundamental concepts of the true religion, namely Freedom, Peace, and justice [31:6].




Having said the above, allow me to inform you of the real genuine meaning of “Salat” based on the book of GOD. Salat simply means REACH-OUT, this is the best word in the English language that I was able to find to best convey the meaning. GOD is reaching out to us and to HIS messenger, and HE is commanding us to reach-out out back. GOD is unseen, so the reality remains that to us HE is a spirit for the time being, and physical aspect of HIM remain to be witnessed if it exist. We know that we are commanded and reminded of the importance of ESTABLISHING the reaching-out process (about 70 times), and we also know that GOD often uses the word purification (zakat) along with it. It is repeatedly mentioned as such (Establish the reaching-out process and achieve purification).


That in addition to the fact that usually, if not all the time, GOD is addressing the believers in these verses, the thing that confirms the 6th, and the 7th phases of Islam as explained in the Genuine-Islam article. So now, we have established the fact that NATURALLY AND LOGICALLY, one has to believe in GOD to be able to reach-out to HIM… the 5th phase of Islam. GOD addresses HIMSELF as the truth, and HIS book, to any believer is the truth, and HE guide us to HIM through the truth, and HE is communicating with us by the truth in many ways. HE is communicating with us through life and creation in general. Literally, every new scientific discovery we make represents a new message from GOD.


[20:14] “Verily, I am GOD: There is no GOD but I: So worship Me, and establish the reaching-put process to be aware of ME.


By our nature, we human beings are limited, we tend to forget, and Satan on a constant mission to deceive us, and various things in life tends to distract us and it takes time for us to comprehend the truth and it takes repetition for us to maintain awareness regarding the greatest issue/matter in life, GOD, The truth, the test etc etc and Salat is meant to helps us achieve that goal of awareness which will result in us constantly purifying our souls.


Be aware of the fact that there is NO limit to soul purification. The Arabic word (Thikr) is mentioned around 250 times, and it has three basic meaning if not more, 1) To mention, 2) remember, 3) To be aware or awareness.


[29:45] Recite what is being inspired to you of the book, and establish the reaching-out process for the reaching-out process prohibits evil and vice, ultimately being aware of God is the objective. God knows everything you accomplish.


The book is often referred to as “Thiker” because it basically represents and achieve all three meaning, the book mentions the facts and the truth, remind of it, and GREATLY help raise people’s awareness. GOD is also sending us powerful messages, messages such as death, disasters and through some of HIS blessings that helps us over-come certain horrible situations i.e good Luck. HE also sends us powerful messages through HIS Book, messenger, truth, and guidance. So when we believe in GOD and HIS book, then we have much more access to the truth in HIS book, and the truth in general by HIS blessings and guidance.




Now according to GOD’S book, and contrary to the popular believe, GOD command and encourage the believers to perform two daily intense reaching-out sessions… one at the beginning of the day (end of night), and one at the end of the day (beginning of night). There are three Salat timing related verses, two of them indicate the timing of the sessions in different ways, and one talks about another matter but mentions the two sessions by their Arabic TIMING names. Here are the only verse that indicate the timing of slat in different ways;


[11:114] Establish the reaching-out sessions at both edges of the day and the near part of the night. The good erase away the bad. This is a reminder to those who remember.


[17:78] Thou shall Establish the reach-out sessions at the setting of the sun, until the darkness of the night; and the Quran at dawn, the Quran at dawn has been witnessed.


Note how both verses confirm the same timing and how the verse [17:78] alternate between the use of Salat and the use of Quran to indicate that the Quran basically is a major aspect of Salat… it is more clear in Arabic. And here is the third and decisive verse and the ONLY verse that mentions the Salat by their TIMING NAME:


[24:58] O you who believe, let those whom are your right hand possess and have not yet attained puberty request your permission regarding three times: Before the DAWN reaching-out session, and should you take off your attire from being outdoors, and after the DUSK reaching-out session. These are three private times for you. Other than these times, it is not wrong for you or them to intermingle with one another. God thus clarifies the revelations for you. And God is Knowledgeable, Wise.


Note how GOD did not use the word “Duhur” (the noon traditional prayer)… if there were any such prayer; GOD would have logically mentioned it, just like HE mentioned the others, and it would fit perfectly.


Having said that, it is VERY clear for anyone who sincerely study the book that there is NO mention and NO such a things such as the other three prayer traditional regular timings such as Noon, Afternoon, And night prayer. Additionally, there are no mention of any physical repeated bowing and prostrations and all the other traditional ritualistic details, and all the sayings along with them! Instead there are clearly a Dawn and a Dusk Reaching-out session timings. So basically, establish the regular reaching-out to GOD sessions at the end of the day into the night, and at the start of the day at Dawn into the day.




GOD also puts emphases on the Quality of the sessions vs. the quantity, hence the the following verse that has been missinterpret as to mean the afternoon prayer… one that fits between the other four prayers two on each side!:


 [2:238] Preserve and maintain the reaching-out sessions/process, especially the balanced good sessions, and stand devoutly for God.


GOD never used the words “wusta”. “wasata”, “awsatuhum” as to mean anything other than good, balanced, better, fair, and along these meanings. Clearly, we are to establish the reaching-out regular process using the best tool available to us and that is the book of GOD but, that does not mean that it is limited to it. So any intense process that bring us closer to the truth and to GOD, and HIS remembrance is a reaching-out process… why? Because remembering GOD and the truth is the main and greater goal, and THROUGH that constant remembrance we are able reach the ultimate goal of achieving purification, which is ultimately leads to salvation (one of the book’s attributes is The Remembrance/Reminder).


We know that GOD command us to establish the two end of the day reaching-out sessions as much as possible so that we continue to be guided and to strengthen our believes and to continue to remember and be aware, and HE warns us from neglecting it, but HE does not condemn us or punish us merely just for missing one or two or even more sessions. He is simply commanding us to do our best to increasingly and naturally establish and maintain the reaching-out sessions as much as possible. So everyone’s situation and level of believe and guidance is difference. Clearly there is no specific condemnation for missing few sessions, there is a general warning from being careless about the salat and from neglecting it, but there is no specific number which means it depends on every specific individual to determine if he is neglecting the process.


Contrary to the traditional unjustified paranoia and frenzy regarding the Salat which results in all kinds of useless burdens, guilt, pathetic false accusations and constant finger pointing and hypocrisy So as long as we are doing our best in maintaining the sessions we are OK… the Salat is not commandments to terrorize us and make us paranoid or hypocrites! According to GOD’S System (Sunnah) i.e natural law, the regularity and the quality of the process will progress and gradually increase as the guidance and faith increase. BE VERY CLEAR and AWARE of the fact that GOD does not wish to overburden and complicate our lives with religion.


HAVE NO DOUBTS ABOUT IT Everything HE commands us of is for OUR OWN BENEFITS!




GOD commands that believers of the book that they should use the BEST available TOOL in Reaching-out to HIM twice a day, dawn and evening and the tool is THE BOOK.


[7:170] As for those who uphold and adhere to the Book, and they establish the reaching-out sessions; We will not waste the reward of the righteous.


You see, Satan, OUR OBVIOUS ENEMY, NEVER STOP enticing us to distract us and divert us away from the PURE GENUINE message in the book and the great wisdom therein… he always distract us by various means and wants us to FORGET. The believers are at their utmost best when they are remembering GOD and naturally, all that HE represents. We are to remind ourselves through the Reaching-out regular logical practical sensible powerful effective process to continue to REMEMBER TO MAINTAIN AWARENESS AND TO LEARN AND INCREASINGLY GAIN GOD’S GUIDANCE, WISDOM AND BLESSINGS, AND AS A RESULT CONTINUE TO PURIFY OUR SOULS AND DEEDS ALL THROUGH THE AMAZING, AWSOME PROGRESSIVE PROCESS OF REACHING-OUT (SALAT). Believing in GOD is NOT A SIMPLE MATTER, AND SINCERELY WORSHIPING HIM ALONE IS A SERIOUS MAJOR CHALLENGE and is the high price to guidance and to success and ultimate rewards…especially for the PIONEERS! That is why GOD says that Salat is NOT easy except to those who are advanced enough, reverence HIM enough, and humble enough, and that is why HE commands us to remember to seek refuge in HIM from Satan the devil when we read the Quran.




[2:45] And seek help through patience, and the reaching-out sessions. It is a difficult thing, but not so for the humble.


 Satan and his allies are a MAJOR SERIOUS Obstacle along the way, obstacle that we MUST OVER COME OR WE RISK LOOSING! Have no doubt, logically and naturally, All true believers will NOT neglect the two daily sessions when the time and the situation is right but until they reach that time and that situation, they will continue to struggle and strive to maintain as much as possible of it, and they will encourage each others.




The ablution procedures are clear and don’t need more clarifications, it is an undeniable fact that water clean us physically, and makes us feel spiritually clean as well; they are very much related, and that is why we feel so good after washing our faces or after taking a shower. The only thing that need mentioning here is that again the traditional Muslims have burdened themselves with more and extra procedures and rituals than mentioned in the one single related verse! Note also the fact that book provides us with the details of the ablution, BUT there are NO details of the traditional Salat what-so-ever!


[5:6] O you who believe, if you rise to establish the reaching-out session, then wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles; and if you have had intercourse, then you shall bathe. And if you are ill, or traveling, or you have excreted feces, or you have had sexual contact with the women, and you could not find water, then you shall select from the clean soil; you shall wipe your faces and your hands with it. God does not want to make any hardship over you, but He wants to cleanse you and to complete His blessings upon you that you may be appreciative.




The words “ruku”/bowing/heeding and “sujood”/prostrate/submit in the book of GOD refers to the natural stages of the progressive process of reverencing, heeding, obeying, and submitting to the REAL ONE ONLY GENUINE GOD. The Arabic words “Ruku” and “Sujood” are very interesting words like many others used in the book of GOD, they can be used and applied to physical and spiritual meanings.


In the book of GOD they clearly refer to the spiritual meaning but they are great for the analysis between the body and the spirit in terms of the similarity of the natural process of the spiritual heeding/bowing and submitting/prostrating process compared to the physical bowing and prostrating. The soul heeds, surrender, and summits to GOD in a progressive gradual process just like the body having to normally bow before prostrating… hence the use of the words and the indication. The Arabic word “ruku” is mostly used to mean surrender and/or show respect and the same with the word “sujood”… they both are used or the same concept but indicate different degrees of the same process. The heeding/bowing “ruku” stage mostly relate to the reverence aspect at the early stages of believe, and with time it will reach the level of prostrating/submitting “sujood” which is more related to more acceptance, love and appreciation aspect therefore the heeding/bowing aspect fades into the submitting/prostrating aspect… a very natural, logical, practical progressive process.


It clearly refers to the spiritual gradual logical, natural process of submitting to GOD. One would have to Start to reverence GOD, repent to from his wrongful ways, desire and seek HIS Guidance, follow HIS guidance, Believe in HIM and gradually heeding and prostrating to HIM, HIS message, HIS messenger HIS commandments. Another thing to keep in mind, is the mention of the prophet Yusuf’s prostrating (sajado) to him, they were not praying to him, they were simply giving in to him, fully accepting him, and gving allegiance to him. Pay attention that GOD commanded the angles including Satan to submit/prostrate to Adam, they was NOT commanded to worship him! Another examples are the sun and the trees “Yasjodaan” among many other examples, which means that they are submitting to the will of GOD. [55:6]


GOD is more concerned with our spirits than our bodies. The heeding/bowing and submitting/prostrating concepts are fundamentally the natural gradual process of the spiritual process of worshiping GOD. Most people put too much emphasis on the physical bowing and prostration, the thing that leads undermining the spiritual effect and leads to hypocrisy.


The Genuine physical prostration (not the ritualistic empty hypocritical one) if so desired in some cases in the process of Calling upon GOD (Du’a) is not more than a reflection of the REAL, fundamental, substantive, actual, GENUINE SPIRITUAL HEEDING, SURRENDERING AND SUBMISSION.


We humans are not perfect, and we have the tendency to forget, so the believers are required to maintain a general situation that is between bowing and prostrating… meaning if they are not in a state of remembrance and submission, they are never heedless. GOD always uses the word “Ta’alaw” which literally means come up and elevate yourself , HE wants to lift us up, not to put our heads on the ground multiple times 5 times a day! and some 34 times… hence no mention of the traditional MAN-MADE salat in the book!


You see, humans are in a state of heeding, surrendering, prostration, and submission to whatever they believe in and that dominate their minds and souls anyway, they often surrender/bow and prostrate/submit to all kinds of pathetic degrading idols.


When you desire and seek GOD’S guidance you will realize what the progressive process of reaching-out to GOD (salat) means and you will realize that the natural progressive result of that process is surrendering and gradually submitting to HIS will which will eventually, progressively, and ultimately leads to the soul purification that will naturally, progressively, and ultimately leads to the deeds purification and salvation. Simultaneously, the more you reverence, heed, surrender, and submit to the almighty GOD, the more you will FREE yourself from all kinds of worthless useless deceiving and degrading idols.




The above is the real truthful, logical sensible Quranic meaning and reality of salat (the reaching-out process). One could have all kinds of theories and conjectures as to Where, when, and how did our forefathers invented and over-burdened themselves the traditional awkward physical form of 5/day sessions of salat that leads to all kinds of crookedness and hypocrisy. I know one thing, I know for a fact and based on regular experience, and after performing the traditional salat for many years that the one single REAL TRUE GENUINE Salat that I establish is literally increasingly equal to a an increasing number of traditional salat, meaning and for example a real true genuine salat can be equal to 100 traditional salat, and will grow to be equal to 1000s of traditional Salat.


You see, the traditional Salat is basically static compared to the very dynamic genuine real Salat.


Obviously, there is NOT a single doubt that anyone who establishes the true Islamic process will surely experience a very similar reality and will reach the same conclusion. It is literally an indescribable and unequaled experience, it OFTEN ELEVATE you in truth, realization, wisdom, enlightenment and certainty MORE that you can imagine, INCREASINGLY AND REPEATEDLY!!!


Normally and naturally, the Salat session takes anywhere from half-hour to two hours a session and even more…depends on the situation and the need.


Please, all of you people who perform the traditional Salat, don’t think you can deceive GOD by such performance. GOD can NOT be deceived and certainly HE did not create us and command us to deceive HIM. HE also does not need our salat, we do not give HIM the almighty a hypocritical, fake, empty, and artificial counterfeit Salat. I know, just like I used to feel, MOST of you have been feeling guilty and confused about this, and many of you are constantly feeling the hypocrisy of it all, and you know how empty it is, and you know that you are constantly doing a useless senseless set of physical exercise, but you are not sure why and how it is all about and you are in denial, and no one can blame you because you did not know any better and you had no alternative BUT, NOW you know. No one expect most of you to believe the above right away if at all, but now you know MUCH MUCH MORE than what you knew before, and now you should take YOUR OWN responsibility to check for YOURSELF and verify.


Whatever you do, do NOT be like the ones mentioned in the following verse:


[8:35] And their reaching-out attempt at the sanctuary was no more than rhetoric and deception. So taste the retribution for what you have rejected.


A So-called Salat that does not serve any purpose other than divert people from the REAL GENUINE salat. Most people believe that they are doing the salat and they don’t need to realize what salat really is all about. Satan is a great enemy and he specializes in counterfeiting the truth by all kinds of fake truth look a like! And always remember the fact that GOD and HIS angles are reaching-out to the prophet, and we are commanded to reach-out to him when we witness him.


[33:56] God and His Angels reach-out to the prophet. O you who believe, reach-out to him, and yield completely.


The worst part is being in the act that the traditional form of so-called Salat in fact represents a counterfeit Salat that actually deceive people by satisfying them into thinking that they are actually establishing the genuine one when in fact they are not! The genuine salat by its nature and as outlined in the book of GOD can not be easily faked like the traditional Salat because it is substantive… according to the Genuine Salat, one will know and be clear if he or she is establishing the Salat or not, while in the traditional artificial salat everything goes, and most of the time is just a matter of an empty show off and pretending hence the obvious and clear hypocrisy, crookedness, and sheer confusion associated with the traditional so-called Salat that most people are increasingly experiencing especially now that they are having the chance to be themselves more than any time in the past history, and especially when they are having a fair and independent access to knowledge and information, and especially now that the truth is being revealed!!


It is not a matter of emotion and sentimentalism, it is a matter of fact and reality and logical prove that is supported by the clear verses of the book, Salat is not a traditional social practice or a massive mass form of deception where people struggle to show themselves, others and GOD that they are being obedient and faithful and they are fulfilling their duty to GOD. Salat is never meant to be this way or serve such a purpose, Again, Salat is a great vital substantive actual verifiable process that produces great results and that result is awareness that naturally leads and results in purification of the soul which will lead to passing the VITAL GODLY TEST and gain HIS acceptance, approval, and HIS ultimate rewards in heaven, and to escape his unequaled retribution in Hell!


GOD is my witness, the traditional fake Salat is very similar to giving a baby that mouth piece to suck on to keep him busy and thinking that he is sucking his mother’s breast and getting some feed while he is not!!!!!!