03_Call For Presentations

Two kinds of presentations

Oral Presentation

20 min talk, including questions. Acceptance after scientific review. Please send an extended abstract to taku.onishi@kjemi.uio.no until 31 January , 2015.


Acceptance after scientific review. Please send an extended abstract to taku.onishi@kjemi.uio.no until 28 February, 2015. However, the earier pre-registration is favorable.

When you wish to present your research, pre-registration is expected. Please email to taku.onishi@kjemi.uio.no for pre-registration.


(1)Name (2)Affiliation (3)Country (4)E-mail

(5)Position: Prof. or Dr or Student

(6)Presentation type: Contributed Talk or Poster

Notification of acceptance

After receiving Extended Abstract

Leaflet of ICCMSE 2015