Parish Census Card
Postcard sized Parish Census Cards are available on the parish bulletin board and may be completed and returned to the Rectory Office to update household information or to register as a new parish household. Completed cards may also be placed in the offertory basket.
Please print and complete the Parish Census Card provided below. Completed cards may be returned to the Rectory Office at PO Box 66, Park Hills, MO 63601 or simply drop into the Sunday Collection basket at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
(Hint: To print only the Parish Census Card and not the menu at left, left click and hold down to select only what you wish to print. Next, right click and choose Print then under "Page Range" choose "Selection" and " Print".)
Please Note: If you are transferring from a different parish, your previous parish needs to remove your household from their membership. Please provide them with a courtesy call if you have not already done so.
Family Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Husband:________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date:____________________ Religion: C or N/C
Baptized: Y or N 1st Communion: Y or N Confirmation: Y or N Shut-In: Y or N
Wife:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date:____________________ Religion: C or N/C
Baptized: Y or N 1st Communion: Y or N Confirmation: Y or N Shut-In: Y or N
Marital Status: Married Married by Priest?_____ Single Separated Divorced Widowed
Do you receive monthly offertory packets? __________ Do you want to? ____________
Do you receive the St. Louis Review? __________ Do you want to? ____________
Previous Parish Name & Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Children and/or Other Adults Living in Your Household
Please give ages and birth dates:
______________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________ Religion: C or N/C
Baptized: Y or N 1st Communion: Y or N Confirmation: Y or N Shut-In: Y or N
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________ Religion: C or N/C
Baptized: Y or N 1st Communion: Y or N Confirmation: Y or N Shut-In: Y or N
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________ Religion: C or N/C
Baptized: Y or N 1st Communion: Y or N Confirmation: Y or N Shut-In: Y or N
________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________ Religion: C or N/C
Baptized: Y or N 1st Communion: Y or N Confirmation: Y or N Shut-In: Y or N
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________ Religion: C or N/C
Baptized: Y or N 1st Communion: Y or N Confirmation: Y or N Shut-In: Y or N
Number of family members in your household that attend this parish? _________________________________________