Welcome to my family history website.

I have been researching my family history since 1979. I followed the standard advice and started by speaking to my older family relatives, all of whom have now sadly passed away. Fortunately, their stories live on. I have shared my research with my immediate family - it is now time to offer it to a wider audience. With any luck some of you who read this site will be related and we can swop information.

As well as my Collins name, the important name from my mother's side is Dillon. Other names in my family history include: Froggatt, Taylor, Waite, Cowburn, Smith (not researched), Bartley, Major, Pitchfork, Singleton, Walker(s), Newham, and Rumley.

My Collins ancestry takes me back seven generations to John Collins, born in about 1710. Through his wife, Jane, I have traced the family back another two generations to Henry Rumley, born in about 1675. That makes twelve generations in total if I include myself, my children and my grandchildren.

The earliest Collins history took place in the East Riding of Yorkshire, then moved to Lincolnshire before returning to Kingston-on-Hull. In about 1880, the family settled across the Pennines in Manchester. The Dillons on my mother's side originated in Ireland, moving from there at about the time of the potato famine (about 1850) via Scotland to Manchester.

A NOTE ON IMAGES: Click on any of the images on the site to increase their size. Some of the later images were taken from the excellent Archive of Images at the Manchester Libraries after I obtained permission to use them.

Follow this link for more information on Ian Collins

Follow this link for information on my father: Fred Collins

Follow this link for information on my mother: Ruby Collins (nee Dillon)

PLEASE NOTE: This website has been substantially upgraded recently. Some of the links may not work and I will fix them after updating my other websites.

Website last updated: 12th December 2020