Call for Papers


"Innovation boards the T-Center" is the motto of the 16th I4CS, to be held from June 27 till 29, 2016 in Vienna/Austria, dedicated to challenging aspects around modern community systems. With prudent meeting facilities in the T-Center, T-Mobile Austria will be an excellent conference host.

Due to the rapid evolution of web technologies and rich mobile Internet devices, ICT support for communities is possible on the next quality level. In search of innovative solutions, multi-disciplinary collaboration among researchers, service providers and industry partners is essential to invent novel Internet Community Services.

Conference Topics

Technology - Distributed architectures and frameworks

    • Infrastructure and models for community services

    • Data structures and management in community systems

    • Community self-organization in ad-hoc environments

    • Search, information retrieval and distributed ontology

    • Smart world models and big data analytics

Applications - Communities on the move

    • Social networks and open collaboration

    • Social and business aspects of user generated content

    • Recommender solutions and expert profiles

    • Context and location awareness

    • Browser application and smartphone app implementation

Socialization - Ambient work and living

    • eHealth challenges and ambient assisted living

    • Intelligent transport systems and connected vehicles

    • Smart energy and home control

    • Social gaming and cyber physical systems

    • Security, identity and privacy protection

I4CS solicits submissions of unpublished papers presenting research results, industrial experiences and applications, as well as detailed specifications of open problems.

Electronic submission is required. Full papers with 10 to 20 pages in one-column Springer LNCS/CCIS format and written in English should be submitted as PDF files using the EasyChair conference management system. All submitted papers will be subject to a double reviewing process by the program committee.


Only accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings book. It is planned to publish the proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. We already received a conditional confirmation. The final approval is pending. Other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases (e.g. DBLP) are envisaged.