
In Spring 2024, IIT Kharagpur, I am teaching Linear Algebra , Numerical and Complex Analysis (MA11004).

In Autumn 2023, IIT Kharagpur, I taught Advanced Linear Algebra (MA60267) and Galois Theory (MA60229; MA71003).

In Spring 2023, IIT Kharagpur, I am teaching Linear Algebra, Numerical and Complex Analysis (MA11004) and Commutative Algebra (MA71002) (Shared).

In Autumn 2022, IIT Kharagpur, I taught Probability and Statistics (MA20205) and Galois Theory (MA71003) (shared).

In Spring 2022, IIT Kharagpur, I taught Linear Algebra, Numerical and Complex Analysis (MA11004)

In Autumn 2021, IIT Kharagpur, I taught Probability and Statistics (MA20205)PS-Notes-2021 and Galois Theory (MA71003) (shared).

In Spring 2021, IIT Kharagpur, I taught Linear Algebra, Numerical and Complex Analysis (MA11004) and Commutative Algebra (MA71002) (Shared).

In Autumn 2020, IIT Kharagpur, I taught Linear Algebra (MA20105) and Galois Theory (MA71003).

In Spring 2020, IIT Kharagpur, I taught Mathematics II (MA10002) and Commutative Algebra (MA71002) (Shared).

Mathematics II

Open Mathematics II

Tutorial sheet-1. Tutorial sheet-2. Tutorial sheet-3. Tutorial sheet-4.

Tutorial sheet-5. Tutorial sheet-6. Tutorial sheet-7.  Tutorial sheet-8.

Tutorial sheet-9. Tutorial sheet-10.

In Autumn 2019,  IIT Kharagpur, I taught Linear Algebra (MA20105) and Galois Theory (MA71003).



Open LinearAlgebra‎(MA20105)‎

Galois Theory ‎(MA71003)‎


Open Galois Theory ‎(MA71003)‎

In the year 2015 at TIFR, I was the grader of the course "Commutative Algebra". Course Instructor was Prof. Ravi A. Rao

In the semester Autumn 2013, I was a TA of the course "Linear Algebra (MA 401)". Course Instructor was Prof. Manoj K. Keshari.

Here you can find tutorial sheets of the course.

In the semester Spring 2013, I was a TA of the course "General Topology (MA 406)". Course Instructor was Prof. Rekha Santhanam.

Here you can find tutorial sheets of the course.

In the semester Autumn 2012, I was a TA of the course "Basic Algebra (MA 419)". Course Instructor was Prof. Rekha Santhanam.

Here you can find tutorial sheets of the course.

In the semester Spring 2012, I was a TA of the course "Linear Algebra and O.D.E.( B.Tech Course)".

Course Instructor in-charge was Prof. Manoj K. Keshari and Prof. Preeti Raman.

In the semester Autumn 2011, I was a TA of the course "Calculus (B.Tech Course)".

Course Instructor in-charge was Prof. Sudhir Ghorpade.