Project Parameters

This comprehensive bibliography includes books that feature hunting in some way, despite how the sport or its participants are depicted and regardless of whether the book has been reviewed by professional review sources

Limitations of Titles included in the Annotated Bibliography:

- Fictional picture or chapter books (non-fiction books are not included in the bibliography)

- Interest age level: Birth - Adolescence, or ages 0 - 18

- Copyright or reissue date of 1993 or later

- Classic hunting stories (defined through inclusion in the Wilson's Core Collection series) no matter the copyright date

- Hunting stories of a traditional, American sense set in either the 20th or 21st century:

        - Take place or have wild game in habitats of, or similar to, the continental United States and Canada

        - Various game: Deer, turkey, moose, elk, caribou, bear, wolves, cougar, bighorn sheep, badger, fox, raccoon, alligator, duck, pheasant, crow, other birds, rabbit, opossum, squirrel, and frogs.