Hundredth Town Chorus  

Welcome to the Hundredth Town Chorus!

Do you enjoy singing? Do you   want to meet new people? Do you want to share the joy of music with others? Then consider joining the Hundredth Town Chorus! The Hundredth Town Chorus of Westborough is seeking female singers to participate in their four part chorus. No auditions are required, but the organization is in need of new voices of all ages for the upcoming season.

The chorus celebrated its 75th anniversary with a public performance on April 28, 2024 (recorded by Westborough TV). Our mission is to have fun singing and entertaining at area nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or senior centers in Worcester County, with three to four performances at the end of the season in December, and again in May. Music includes a wide variety, from holiday classics to Broadway favorites, popular music, and folk songs, to name just a few.

The chorus has members of multiple ages, from Westborough, Northborough, Southborough, Marlborough, Grafton, Shrewsbury, Millbury, Uxbridge, and other towns in the greater Worcester area.

New fall and spring sessions begin on the first Wednesday after Labor Day and New Year's Day, respectively. Rehearsals are Wednesdays only, from 9:30 to 11 a.m., at Congregation B’nai Shalom (117 East Main Street, Westborough), which graciously donates rehearsal space and a keyboard for our use. There are no night or weekend rehearsals or obligations. All performances are also held on Wednesday mornings. Come to rehearsal and join right in, or come to observe what we are all about! No fundraising or ticket/ad selling is asked of our members.

For more information, check our website or find Hundredth Town Chorus on our Facebook page. Our email address is: Please feel free to call the director, Mary, at 508-847-2961 with any additional questions.

About the Hundredth Town Chorus

Our name was chosen because Westborough was the 100th town incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The chorus was formed in 1949 by the Westborough Woman’s Club, as a way for women to connect through music. We are a vibrant and committed group of women who enjoy making music together. We give back to our community by taking music to those who cannot get out to attend cultural events. We perform in nursing homes, independent and assisted living facilities, and occasionally for civic and other groups, to bring joy and enrichment to those who are often forgotten.

Our members come from all kinds of musical backgrounds. Some have formal training or play an instrument; others have less experience. Some read music, some don’t. Members have different learning styles; we welcome everyone, and help them play to their strengths.

The Hundredth Town Chorus expresses thanks to our generous supporters.This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Westborough Cultural Council, a local agency, which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.