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Working papers

The Social Divide of Urban Land-Use Regulatory Changes: Evidence from Chile (with Kenzo Asahi, Diego Gil, Andrea Herrera and Javier Peñafiel) Submitted [link] 

The effects of transport infrastructure on housing supply: the role of land-use regulation (with Kenzo Asahi and Andrea Herrera). Submitted [link]

The efficiency of bus priority infrastructure (with Felipe González) Submitted [pdf]

Regulating Vertical Markets through Delegation (with Andrea Canales and Nicolás Figueroa) [pdf]

Welfare-improving taxes in the urban equilibrium (with Raúl Pezoa and Leonardo Basso) [pdf]

Urban/Transport Economics

Efficiency and substitutability of transit subsidies and other urban policies

(with Leonardo J. Basso)

American Economic Journal–Economic Policy, 2014, 6(4), 1-33.

The efficiency of bus rapid transit (BRT) systems: A dynamic congestion approach

(with Leonardo Basso and Fernando Feres)

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2019, 127, 47-71

The impact of fare-free public transport on travel behavior: evidence from a randomized controlled trial

(with Owen Bull and Juan Carlos Muñoz).

Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2021, 86

Public transport and urban form

(with Leonardo J. Basso and Matías Navarro)

Economics of Transportation, 2021, 28. [working paper] [link]

Team-based incentives in transportation firms: An experiment

(with Vicente Ramírez, Patricia Galilea and Joaquín Poblete)

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2022, Volume 164 [working paper] [link]

Fare Evasion in Public Transport: How does it affect the optimal design and pricing? (with Raúl Ramos) Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2024 [pdf] [link]

Maximization of equilibrium utility vs minimization of resources in the urban equilibrium. (with Raúl Pezoa and Leonardo Basso) Economics Letters, 240, 111772. [pdf]

Aviation economics

Optimal pricing of flights and passengers at congested airports and the efficiency of atomistic charges

(with Erik T. Verhoef)

Journal of Public Economics 106, 2013, 1-13.

Airlines' strategic interactions and airport pricing in a dynamic bottleneck model of congestion

(with Erik T. Verhoef and Vincent A.C. van den Berg)

Journal of Urban Economics, 2014, 80, 13-27 

Airlines' route structure competition and network policy

(with Erik T. Verhoef and Vincent A.C. van den Berg)

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 67, 2014, 320-343. 

Congestion games

Equilibrium in a dynamic model of congestion with large and small users

(with Robin Lindsey and André de Palma).

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2019, 124, 82-107

Dynamic equilibrium at a congestible facility under market power

(with Erik T. Verhoef)

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2017, 105, 174-192

On the Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in the Bottleneck Model with Atomic Users

(with Robin Lindsey, André de Palma and Vincent A.C. van den Berg)

Transportation Science, 2017, 51(3), 863-881

Book chapters

The Mohring Effect, in International Encyclopedia of Transportation, 2021,  pp 263-266, ed. Roger Vickerman, Elsevier. [pdf] [link]

The Economics of Airports' Pricing, in Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing. (with Tiziana D’Alfonso, Martina Gregori and Leonardo J. Basso). [link]

Research in progress:

Slot auctions and trade at congested airports' (with Leonardo Basso)

Public transport subsidies and the shadow cost of public funds (with Raúl Ramos)

The goods-leisure tradeoff and trip-timing decisions (with Martina Gregori and Leonardo Basso)

Resting papers:

Urban road congestion management: capacity investments and pricing policies (with Leonardo J. Basso and Ignacio Riquelme)

Public transport policies after Covid-19 confinement. [link]

Input third-degree price discrimination by congestible facilities. [pdf]

Spatial pricing of public transport (with Leonardo J. Basso)

Rural transport in Chile: An empirical study on the efficiency in public biddings (with Marco Batarce and Vicente Viel)

Optimal spatial design of public transport (with Nicolás Esperguiel and Leonardo Basso)