Curriculum Vitae and current affiliations

I was born in November 1950 in Hannover, FRG, and live currently in Vienna (Austria) and Halle (Saale, Germany). I finished my studies in Tübingen and Marburg (Germany) with a diploma in economics in 1977. Later I spent a year in Warsaw (Poland), and started my professional career at the HWWA-Institute for Economic Research, Hamburg (Germany) in 1979. In 1984, I changed to the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW) for ten consecutive years, the last two years as deputy director.  I was awarded my doctorate in Economics at the Hamburg University in 1986. In 1993, I changed to the newly established Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) in Halle (Saale), East Germany. I served as a head of department  on Central and Eastern Europe and from 2005 until 2011 as the research director of this institute. Between 1992 and 2014, I served several terms as a member of the Executive Committee of EACES (European Association for Comparative Economic Studies), among them as its secretary. Also, I am a member of various international societies, and act as a reviewer for many academic journals. I am author of more than hundred publications, among them refereed journals and books. Many of these publications deal with problems of the planned economy, system transition, and integration into the European Union. Since 2008, my public policy research focus is on Western Balkan countries and on EU and monetary union reforms. In February 2015, I decided to leave the IWH after long-lasting controversies with the frequently changing directors about the institute's tasks and orientation.


I am affiliated to the Wiesbaden Institute of Law and Economics (WILE)*, and Senior Research Associate to the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (wiiw)**.



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