Huberhaus Pottery

Welcome to Huberhaus Pottery

Situated in the beautiful Lebanon valley, near Schaefferstown, Pennsylvania, Stephen and Susan Horst, owners of Huberhaus Pottery, make redware pottery in the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch manner, one piece at a time. Each plate is hand made from red clay, coggled, dried, decorated and fired, then glazed and re-fired. Wheel work includes bowls, crocks, mugs and pitchers. The use of manganese dioxide with the glaze produces a warm and vibrant exterior. All of the pottery is food safe and is made for every day use. We also create individualized pieces for anniversaries, birthdays and special events. Our goal is to provide a product that is reminiscent of days gone by, but of practical use today.

View our pottery online or better yet, visit us at a show! See the sidebar for links to pictures and a schedule of upcoming shows.