Content Administrators

Dr. Sunil, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Scientific Computing, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, Hamirpur, H.P., INDIA 177005

Dr. Amit Mahajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Sciences, National Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi, INDIA 110040


All branches of engineering and science require mathematics as a tool for the description of their content. Therefore a thorough knowledge of various topics in mathematics is essential to pursue study in engineering, science and technology. Most of the students find it difficult to learn the topics due to inadequate knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts. The aim of this site is to provide a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts and applications of subject concerned. Although the topics are designed primarily for use by engineering students, it is also suitable for students pursuing bachelor degrees with mathematics as one of the subjects and also for those who prepare for competitive examinations.

Each topic begins with clear statements of pertinent definitions, principles and theorems together with illustrative and other descriptive material. The content included a great variety of examples of the important concepts which occur. This is followed by sets of supplementary problems. The solved problems serve to illustrate and amplify the theory, and to provide the repetition of basic principles so vital to effective learning. Numerous proofs, especially those of all essential theorems, are included among the solved problems. The supplementary problems serve as a complete review of the material of each chapter.

All the topics are covered exhaustively and the explanations are clear and lucid. It provides definitions, examples, theorems, proofs and exercises to reinforce the students’ understanding of the subject matter.



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