ECON 36000 - Econometrics

Course Overview [Comments]

This course provides an introduction to econometrics where you will learn the tools that will enable you to conduct empirical analysis using economic data. The course examines the statistical techniques used in testing economic theories, estimating causal effects, and making predictions. Emphasis is placed on estimating a single equation (e.g., a demand function) and the problems associated with such estimation. As part of the course, students will estimate equations using STATA, a statistical software package.

One important component that I want you to learn in this course is the ability to think critically. I will include examples in the class to show you that the conclusions drawn from common sense are not necessarily reliable. At the end of this course, I hope you can perceive the world a little differently with a healthy skepticism: you should an open stance to new ideas and research results, but you should not believe a claim before you think through how the conclusion is drawn. Hopefully, this course will give you a full appreciation of the rich complexities of human behaviors, social life, and the economic system.

Course Syllabus