ECON 360 Econometrics

Student Comments, Fall 2012

  • Huanren is extraordinary! He really cared about the students and how well they performed in the class. He was very understanding that not everyone was going to excel and be an expert within his field of econometrics. I have gone to his office hours and have asked him numerous questions, all of which he took time to answer.

  • Overall, the course is meaningful--and you cannot say that about a lot of Purdue's courses. I feel like I learned a lot of information, although I may not have been the star A or even B+ student, I feel like I got a lot out of the course... Huanren's notes were very helpful and aided in the problem sets. He was very fair with the material covered in class in relation to the homework. I thought it was a great course, and even if you are not an economics major, you should take it.

  • I really liked warren. He was very concerned about being a good teacher and was always willing to answer questions in and out of class.

  • Huanren's teaching was very good, his lectures were interesting and easy to understand.

  • Clearly cared about students success, so I give a lot of props!

  • The instructor is so responsible and friendly.

  • Everything was very clear and organized. The homework was consistent with the notes and the exams were consistent with the homework.

  • Excellent knowledge of course curriculum. Great lecture notes.

Student Comments, Spring 2013

  • Warren is very passionate and relates a lot of real wold examples to the material. He makes the class and materials relevant and more engaging. He genuinely cares for the students to learn.

  • Warren was a great teacher for this very difficult class. He really understood the topics and he was very patient and helpful when teaching us. What I really liked about Warren was that he wanted his class to do well and really understand

  • Great teaching and focus! I really enjoyed every moment in the class. I'm glad I got a strong base of econometrics from you to build on it in the future. Thanks!

  • It's a tough course and you did a good job teaching it.

  • The instructor used real life examples to teach the class...I really appreciate the application of econometrics on empirical data and research instead of having to memorize formulas and proofs.

  • The instructor was always willing to help...He is a great teacher, who cares about the success of his students.