Jingyin Huang  

Department of Mathematics 

The Ohio State University 

231 W. 18th Ave

Columbus, OH 43210                                                     

Email: huang dot 929 at osu dot edu

I am currently an Associate Professor at The Ohio State University. I received my Ph.D. in 2015 from the Courant Institute at New York University under B. Kleiner.

Research Interests: geometric group theory and metric geometry, with current interests on the following topics: quasi-isometric rigidity, measure equivalence and orbit equivalence rigidity,  complex hyperplane complements, Artin groups and Coxeter groups, geometry and combinatorics of cube complexes, metric currents, CAT(0) geometry, combinatorial non-positive curvature 

I am currently co-organizing Topology and Geometric Group Theory seminar at OSU with Annette Karrer, Beibei Liu, Alex Margolis,  Christoforos Neofytidis, and Frank Wagner.

Publications and preprints


 CV (last updated: Nov 2021)

Some slides:

An example of a cube complex: Habitat 67