Course organization

Course objectives and contents

See syllabus.pdf for big picture view of the course, and schedule.pdf for week-by-week schedule of the course. The exact timing of topics will depend on our progress throughout the semester, and if needed, some topics might be dropped altogether.


The course will not follow single text book. Instead, for each topic there will suggested literature consisting of academic articles and/or textbook chapters. For some topics books will be suggested as background reading.

For topic-by-topic suggested literature see file literature.pdf.

Evaluation and requirements for successful conclusion of the course

The student will be evaluated only according to the points they obtain from final exam. The grading follows standard ECTS grading scheme. The grades will be published in the information system within one week of the final exam.

The final exam will take place during the main exam period and will cover all topics covered during the semester. Students are required to sign up for one of several term dates of the exam through the information system. The dates will be published beginning of 10th week of the term.


Excusing subject: After initial drop period student can be excused from the subject only in the case of serious health complications. She/he has to support her/his claim by note from doctor. In the case of absence from the registered final exam the student has to inform the lecturer before the exam.

Cheating: Any attempt to cheat on the midterm or final exam will automatically lead to failing the course without a warning and to disciplinary proceedings.