
right now at harmony high, we're doing a project called STEM. It's a contest here students can use designing programs to express in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.we get to design websites about our school, and then we make a STEM project report.(in the bottom of this page) and we also design a logo.

Stem project report


First step I do is listen to what my teacher wants me to do with the logo; and he wanted to show harmony’s colors to represent the school. (red, white and blue)


Then I think of what represents hss-high. Math and science, right?


Then I give the people the meaning of harmony of school of science high, like giving them details of the school.


Next I put the colors and math and science learning elements together.


After doing that, review it and try to eliminate all the non important material, in other words, make it uncomplicated.


Then make the logo look more appealing.

Make memorable

Make it look like it will be remembered.

(Please note that for this logo, I used Adobe Illustrator)

This is what i start with: a smiley globe.


(note: i used pen tool, i could show how to do this draw, but i want to show major steps)

Next i add a small background, and it doesn't need a lot of detail, keep it simple....

this is optional, add some "learning supplies" to the globe character

then i add a few details to the logo, like color......

(used a star tool)

add some more color....

Add some poster background...


(used a polygon tool.)

then, to add some STEM inspiration.......

Then if you want, add a light reflecting effect......

(used a flare tool)

make sure you put which school you're sponsoring for!

(used type tool)

The final piece!

And that's it, it's done! looks real nice,eh? hope you like it!

I used Adobe Illustrator CS4 to make this logo.