Jazzib Akhtar 11/3/13


Today on November 3, 2013, my chemistry teacher Mr. Ovezov advised me to change my PBL project from biofuels to making polyurethane foam. The reason for this being, because, acquiring the materials for biofuels proved to be difficult. So I switched to making polyurethane foam because not only were the materials readily available, the experiment itself was interactive and interesting. So after deciding to pick my final project to present at STEM, I began research about it and started to work on my PBL website and fill it up with my new PBL project information.

Jazzib Akhtar 1/16/14

Polyurethane Experimentation

On January 16, 2014 I performed my PBL Chemistry science experiment with my chemistry teacher Mr. Ovezov during my advisory period. He supplied the materials and safety equipment. He also supervised me and assured my safety. For my experiment, I used Polyurethane system A and Polyurethane System B. And for my safety equipment, I used a pair of goggles and gloves and an apron. Carefully, under the supervision of Mr. Ovezov, I mixed both Polyurethane System liquid together in a plastic cup and stirred them. After stirring I stepped back as a chemical reaction occurred. I watched as both chemicals joined each other and started bubbling and foaming. The foam started to rise out of the cup and formed a mushroom. Eventually the foam hardened and became the end product known as Polyurethane Foam. Then as the reaction was occurring I was recording and taking pictures of my experiment. I then transferred the pictures and videos to my laptop so that later on I can put my PBL video together. The entire experiment took my advisory period and a little more than half my lunch. After my experiment, I rushed down to the lunchroom and quickly ate my lunch.

Jazzib Akhtar 2/1/14

STEM Festival

Today February 1, 2014 it was the STEM festival at school. Everyone was presenting their projects to visitors that came to the school. I also presented my project. My project was called Polyurethane Foam, I mixed two chemicals and stirred which caused a chemical reaction and and formed a foamy substance which hardened. I did this while people were watching so this brought a large number of people to my stand because they wanted to see an interactive experiment which was entertaining and also provided a show. I got alot of positive feedback from the audience because they thought that my experiment was really well thought out and presented really organized. After the presentations were over, all the participant had lunch were we got a chance let off some steam and just talk about what happened. The STEM festival was a very unique and wonderful experience.