English Journal

Journal Entry 1; 10/10/2013

Today I worked on my PBL Presentation for Physics. My Demonstration really doesn't have any background info so its a little harder then I thought. The man who invented it, Heinrich Rubens, Barely has any info on his life or the project its self besides how it actually works and whats needed.

Journal entry 2: 10/11/2013

Tonight I tried to fix up my website. I have to revise my history page and start on my English journal (this is what i'm doing at the moment). I don't like how plain it is and not being able to decorate my webpage frustrates me, because I feel like its missing something. My project is pretty simple so I barely have to do any work yet. Just a little research on sound waves and sound pressure. Maybe a little research on some safety precautions. After all that I should be set for... the rest of the year I guess.

Journal entry 3: 12/4/2013

Today I final got my supplies. I am still missing the gas source and the hose but I have everything else that I need. I just found out that we don't need to come on Saturday to present our PBLs at the science fair because we will present them separately. Its kind of last minute but I guess I can work on it more until they tell us when.

Journal entry 4: 12/5/2013

today I looked at everything I got again. I also worked a little on my PBL site and i think its looking great. this Saturday I will just study more about the sound waves since I have nothing to present. I still need my gas source but I will get that in due time.

Journal entry 5: 12/6/2013

Mothing much today. We did some stuff in physics not pertaining to our PBLs but I will look over things tonight and make sure I understand everything I am supposed to. I don't want to miss a thing.

Journal entry 6: 12/7/2013

Today is science fair!!! thank god I don't have to present. This week has been stressful enough and I really don't need the added stress. I still need to study more but that wont take long. I'll save that for tonight.

Journal entry 7: 12/12/2013

Honestly. I still don't know how to get that gas source but i'm working on it. I'll get it somehow...I hope!!

Journal entry 8: 12/13/2013

today they explained the journal entries again. apparently each entry is supposed to be about each task.

since all of my task were put into one and on most days it was hard to distinguish them from one another, all of my entries are pretty much the same thing. this may be a little confusing but trust me i'm as confused as anyone.

Journal entry 9: 12/14/2013

this weekend we had the international bazaar at my school so that halted my experiment's progress a little. i have been studying up on sound waves and sound pressure and on most days i can understand them pretty well. i just really need to find that gas source. that will probably be my main focus for the rest of this semester.

Journal entry 10: 12/15/2013

I studied again. there isn't really much to do since its Sunday and my equipment is at the school. I've finished all of my tasks except for 10-11. i was told that i don't have to do 12 because i am a level 3 experiment. i will take that to heart so the better not change it last minute on me.

Journal 11: 12/16/2013

I finished so much today. i took pictures of my materials. I finished my PBL page and i'm all set. i really just have to finish my last journal entry (probably for this semester) and fix up my PBL site.

Journal 12: 12/17/2013

I am finally done with about everything i have to do this semester. i don't have to do the video until next grading period and that takes a lot of stress of f of my shoulders. I don't know if this is my last entry but I know its the last one for this semester. Thank God

Journal 13: 2/28/2014

So task thirteen was the handout with the driving question. I didn't have to do the handout because my PBL is a level three project. I just have to come up with a believable driving question to put on my brochure later.

Journal 14: 3/2/2014

So we were given an extension on our deadline. Everything is due on the 7th of this month. That gives me enough time to make my video and stuff. I have to write a script and make my brochure so I can attach it to my website. Good thing we got the extension. That helps a lot.

Journal 15: 3/3/2014

So I have finished my script and now i'm ready to make my video. I have to get my materials ready and make sure I have all the safety measures memorized.

Journal 16: 3/4/2013

I have finished filming. I had to film my intro and my ending before I did my demonstration. Now all I have to do is edit everything and put it on my YouTube site for my PBL.

Journal 17: 3/5/2013

Today I have to finish my brochure today. I have finished about everything else and now I have to make a QR code and attach it to my brochure and I should be done. All that's left to do is get ready for STEM fest.

Journal 18: 3/6/2013

So we just found out that we got ANOTHER extension and everything is due on Monday. It's kinda annoying how everything changes so quickly but its helpful as well.

Journal 19: 3/7/2013

So we found out that our STEM fest is on March 29th. I'm kinda nervous but i'm confident that I'll do great.

Journal 20: 3/7/2014

STEM fest is coming up and we are still preparing for it. Its kinda hectic at our school right now but it will all be worth it in the end I hope!