My PBL Project


How does the pitch of the sound change in a sound tube? Gravity tubes are the resources where you can identify different sounds from. There are many different sounds you can make using the gravity tubes. Gravity tubes are long sticks that you can make sound come out of when you move it a certain way.

  • Materials:

    • Gravity Sound Tubes (8 pack)

    • PASCO Open Speaker

  • PASCO Sound Sensor


Test out different gravity tubes, to see the different kind of sound waves it makes

investigate and analyze characteristics of waves, including velocity, frequency, amplitude, and wavelength, and calculate using the relationship between wave speed, frequency, and wavelength;

Compare characteristics and behaviors of transverse waves, including electromagnetic waves and the electromagnetic spectrum, and characteristics and behaviors of longitudinal waves, including sound waves; investigate behaviors of waves, including reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, resonance, and the Doppler effect.

Scientific Principle:

The gravity tubes uses the scientific principle of sound, the properties of air, and the same basic principles of a whistle.Both pressure and gravity play a part in the flow of fluid. Pressure at each end pushes into the tube. Gravity pulls downward on the fluid in the tube. If the effect of the pressures work with gravity, the fluid will flow. If they work against gravity, the fluid may not flow. The pressure at the surface of the water is air pressure.

Gravity, the weight of the water, causes the pressure below the surface to be greater than air pressure. This difference in pressure, caused by gravity, is just enough to push water through the tube back up to the surface level. This relates to the "water seeking its own level" phenomenon. If the tube exit is above the water surface, the pressure cannot push the water high enough to reach the exit. If the tube exit is below the surface, the pressure can push the water beyond the exit.

Safety Regulation: Be careful when exceeding the sound waves. You might cause damage to you're ears.