SS connection

For my social studies connection I chose to write about an event that helps us observe the scientific principle of resonance in a real life situation, and that influenced innovation amongst the scientific community

Tacoma Bridge Collapse

The Tacoma Narrows Bridge of resonance working in everyday life. Resonance is the natural frequency that it takes to vibrate an object at the same frequency. The bridge collapsed on Thursday, November 7, 1940. The collapse was caused by winds of 35-26 mph that produced an oscillation that eventually broke the construction. Many were confused because the bridge had been built to withstand winds up to 120 mph. The force of the wind,however, was not what caused the collapse.

The winds reached the natural frequency of the bridge and caused the beginning of the oscillation. The wind produced a force in resonance with the natural frequency of the structure that caused a steady increase in amplitude until the The suspender cables were thrown violently from side to side. They twisted and shook intensely until its eventual collapse.

The failure of this bridge boosted research in the field of bridge aerodynamics-aeroelastics, which is the study that has influenced the construction of many structurally safe bridges.

Tacoma Bridge, 1940

Bridge Collapsing

Tacoma Bridge