>Driving Question:

How does the Bernoulli's Principles work?


The purpose of this project is to learn about the Bernoulli's principles. The air pressure is the main concept of the Bernoulli's principles. Air pressure is the force exerted by the weight of a column of air above a particular location.


  • Beach ball

  • Leaf blower


  • Take the leaf blower in vertical way with the the tube facing upwards.

  • Position the ball at the top of the leaf blower keeping a space between the ball and the leaf blower.

  • Turn on the leaf blower and carefully let the ball levitate in the air.

  • Move the leaf blower slower to the sides.


Bernoulli principles tell us that air that is moving at high speed has lower pressure than the air that surround us. The air moves around the ball to create a pocket around the ball of low pressure air when the ball moves to the sides of the pocket it will be pushed back in. And the upward force from the air stream keeps the ball levitating aloft.