Bess Bugs Demo

Introduction: My demo is the Bess Bugs demo.These types of bugs eat rotten woods , and other damp woods.Bess bugs are also called Paten-leater Beetles.They are a pretty big part of our environment , and ecosystem.The Bess bugs help decompose and break down decaying trees.The trees decaying process is helped by Bess bugs.They eat at dead trees and dying ones too.

Bessbug Life Cycle:

Bessbugs aren’t so cute when they’re born—you may not even recognize them. They hatch from eggs and look like tiny alligators. The new bug is called a larva,

and it takes about 21 days for it to grow up to be a bessbug beetle.


Mother bessbugs lay 10 to 15 eggs on the underside of a leaf. The eggs look like tiny, elongated yellow jelly beans.


Larvae crawl out of their eggs and begin to look for food. Mother bugs make sure there are lots of aphids or mites nearby because the larvae will eat a lot of them before they become adults. They look like tiny alligators—and they bite!

Bigger Larva

After a few days, the little larvae begin to grow, and soon they shed their skins. This is called “molting,” and it happens several times. If you look closely you can see old skins clinging to leaves or to the grass in your bessbug jar.


In about two weeks, the bigger larvae begin to look a little different, something like a lobster without legs and claws. They attach themselves to a leaf and hardly move at all. They are doing

something extraordinary under their skins.

Imago or Adult

In another few days the bessbug splits its pupa and emerges looking very different. For the first few hours it’s pale and soft. Its shell quickly hardens. Its color becomes a bright color. Now it looks just like its mother—a perfect adult bessbug beetle. What seems like amazing magic is one wonderful way the natural world works: bessbug metamorphosis.

Materials: washers, petri dishes, floss, tape, and gloves.

Procedure:My project was to determine how much weight the Bess Bugs could pull.Using washers and floss.I tied the flaws around the Bess bug , and then add washers to find out how much weight it could pull.The weight of of each washer was 2.5g ,and the Bess Bug weighed about 1.6g.