Books and Book Chapters
Šlaus M, Novak M, Vyroubal V, Bedić Ž, Brkić H, Vodanović M. Photographic Atlas of Bioarchaeology from the Osteological Collection of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Zagreb; School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2013.
Brkić H. Stomatološka vještačenja. U: Gnjidić Ž, Bilić R. i suradnici. Uvod u medicinsko vještačenje u građanskim parnicama. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2008; 191-8.
Jerolimov V, Brkić H. et al. Dental Legal Expertise. Zagreb: School of Dental Medicine, 2005 (Author)
Brkić H. Forensic Odontology. In: Zečević D et al. Forensic Medicine and Deontology. Zagreb: Medicinska Naklada, 2004 (Author)
Brkić H. et al. Forensic Dentistry. Zagreb: Skolska knjiga, 2000 (Author)
Brkić H. Protection in Clinic Dentistry. In: Beus I, Begovac J et al. AIDS HIV-Disease. Zagreb: Graphis, 1997: 283-91. Award Josip Juraj Strossmayer 1997 (Author)
Greenberg MS, Glick M. Burket's Oral Medicine – Diagnosis and treatment. 10th, revised and expanded American edition, Editor of the first Croatian edition: Marinka Mravak-Stipetić. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2006. (Brkić H. - Consultant)
Vodanović M. English-German-Croatian Dictionary of Dentistry. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 2005. (Brkić H. - Reviewer)
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