
HR Sadeghpour


ITAMP / Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics



I do theoretical atomic, molecular and optical physics, related to processes in astrophysics, and in cold and ultracold laboratory environments. Some samplings of these interests are (in case, you may be interested):

inelastic quantum interactions in ultracold atomic and molecular traps

ultracold Rydberg atom and molecule formation, characterization; Rydberg impurity excitations in few-body and many-body quantum gases, precise energy and amplitude calculations for Rydberg-atom based field sensing

anomalous and coherent noise in ion microtraps

photometry and polarimetry of Earth sodium layer for calibration of dark energy survey parameters

atmospheric haze spectral line broadening 




How, where:

            email: hrs at cfa dot harvard dot edu

            telephone: (617) 495 - 7022 

            fax : (617) 496 - 7668 (if you must)

            address: 60 Garden St. MS-14

                           Cambridge, MA 02138

currently ...


Institute for Theoretical Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics (ITAMP)


Senior Scientist



Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics


Senior Research Fellow



Harvard College Observatory