
Hyungryul Harry Baik, Ph.D.

諳 (多谙) 白亨烈 

Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST  

291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu,  Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea  

Office : +82-42-350-2712 (E6-1, #4407)

E-mail: hrbaik_at_kaist.ac.kr 

Office Hours: By appointment. 

I am an (tenured) Associate Professor at KAIST since February, 2017. 

My main research areas are low-dimensional topology, geometric group theory, and related topics. 

I am a topologist but I am interested in questions in a very broad spectrum. Some of my recent works use combinatorics, probabilistic method, number theory, and dynamical systems. For more details, please visit my research page

Here is my math genealogy page. 

Here is my CV. (pdf)

브런치에도 가끔 글을 씁니다. 

Announcement to Korean students at KAIST  (in Korean):