
Link to Google Scholar page

Work in progress

"A Model of Beer Retail Pricing" with Martin O'Connell and Øyvind Thomassen

Working papers

"A Two Sample Size Estimator for Large Data Sets" (2023) (with M O'Connell and Ø Thomassen)

"Competition in a spatially-differentiated product market with negotiated prices" (2024, newly revised version) (with Walter Beckert and Yuya Takahashi) resubmitted


VoxEU article 


"Multi-Category Competition and Market Power: A Model of Supermarket Pricing" (2017) (with Øyvind Thomassen, Stephan Seiler, and Pasquale Schiraldi) American Economic Review

    Online Appendices

    VoxEU article 

Prices, Profits, and Pass-Through of Costs Along A Supermarket Supply Chain: Bargaining and Competition” (2015) (with John Thanassoulis) Oxford Review of Economic Policy Volume 30(1). 

Upstream Uncertainty and Countervailing Power” (2012) (with John Thanassoulis) International Journal Industrial Organization

Multi-category Demand and Supermarket Pricing” (2012) (with Øyvind Thomassen) International Journal Industrial Organization 

Store Characteristics in Retail Oligopoly’’ (2006) RAND Journal of Economics, Summer 2006

Streets Malls and Supermarkets” (with Donald Hay) Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2005, 14, (1), 29-59

Supermarket Choice and Supermarket Competition in Market EquilibriumReview of Economic Studies, 2004, 71, (1), 235-263

Pricing, Sunk Costs,and Market Structure Online: Evidence from Book Retailing” (with Simon Latcovich), Oxford Review of Economic Policy Vol 17 No2 Summer 2001 30 pages

Book Chapters

"GUPPI in supermarket mergers: the UK’s Asda/Sainsbury case" in  Antitrust Economics at a Time of Upheaval (2023), edited by John Kwoka, Tomasso Valetti and Lawrence White

"The Economics of Retailer-Supplier Pricing Relationships" in Handbook on the Economics of Retailing and Distribution (2016), Edward Elgar, edited by Emek Basker,

"Bargaining between Retailers and their Suppliers" (with John Thanassoulis), chapter in Private Labels, Brands and Competition Policy (2009) OUP edited by Ariel Ezrachi and Ulf Bernitz