
I will post here solutions to the exercises in various books that I've typed up. I reiterate the warning and advice I've seen elsewhere: 1) these solutions may contain mistakes (please let me know if you find any), and 2) don't use these solutions until you've tried the problem first. I am a firm believer that working problems is essential to developing an understanding of mathematical ideas, but we're not all so lucky to have people to talk to and work with. In that case, these solutions can hopefully be of some help.

Here are some of my solutions to Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry:

Hartshorne III.10

Hartshorne III.11

Hartshorne III.12

Hartshorne IV.1

Hartshorne IV.2

Here are solutions to Eisenbud's Commuative Algebra book:

Eisenbud ch. 17