How to join the Ninety-Nines
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Join the Fun - Become a Member
As a licensed woman pilot (current or not), you are invited to become a part of our legacy as the first and only international organization of women pilots. The Ninety-Nines are a positive force in the aviation community and you are invited to partake in all that we can offer.
Benefits of Membership include:
Membership Directory (available online in our "Members Area" Section)
Subscription to the 99 NEWS Magazine
Eligibility for Scholarships and Grants
Friendship and camaraderie with other women pilots
Local Aviation Services & Support
Professional & Educational Resources
Membership Application
Are you a Student Pilot?
Too often, learning to fly is a solitary effort. You think "Has anyone else ever experienced the same problems I'm now facing?" The answer is YES. "Will I ever do this maneuver right?" The answer is YES. "I wish I could talk to other women who have gone through this." YOU CAN.
Women student pilots can join The Ninety-Nines as Student Pilot member. To join as a student, you must have a current student medical certificate or equivalent document for non-U.S. applicants. You can remain as an Student Pilot member in The Ninety-Nines for as long as you have a current student pilot certificate.
More good news is that by joining as a student you are eligible to apply for an Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship! With The Ninety-Nines, you are in the company of friends. You receive understanding, encouragement and strength. You can participate in 99s-sponsored flying activities, aviation education and community service.
So come join us and truly understand the magic of women pilots.
Call Today!
1-800-994-1929 or 94050 685-7969
For a packet of information on the many benefits of membership in The Ninety-Nines and the location of a nearby chapter, call 1-800-994-1929 in the U.S. or 405-685-7969 outside the U.S. or send an email to The Ninety-Nines. Please include your name and mailing address.
Questions? Contact Headquarters