Contact & links

The best way to contact me is by email at: houssais DOT morgane AT gmail DOT com

You can also find me on Google Scholar , ResearchGate, and LinkedIn.

------ Some personal Geography --------

I work and live in the excellent Worcester [woosta], MA area! (map)

I did my PhD somewhere nice in Paris, France (map) where I learned science with these great folks (lab youtube video, clic on english sub if needed).

I am not from Paris though, but proudly from the nearby 93/Montreuil, in the french department of Seine-Saint-Denis.

I wish to go back to study these incredible field places: (maps)

- The Carmel State Beach of Monterey, CA (USA)

- The Kosi river fan (Bihar, India).

- La Reunion volcano (french pacific island)

- The braided river of Le Près de Madame Carles (French Alps).