研究興趣 Research


Prof. Ja‐an Annie Ho and Hot liposome group welcome to all, those who are interested in biosensor development, targeted drug delivery system development as well as in bioanalytical chemistry, to join us.



本人的研究興趣為研發快速偵檢的感測系統,可應用的範圍從臨床醫事的生化值檢驗,反恐生化毒劑的快速偵檢,以及食品和環境安全的監測。新開發出的微脂球型免疫分析系統,或是奈米材料輔助之體外免疫檢驗試劑組 (in vitro diagnostic kit) 應能成功地取代耗費多日、感度有限的傳統鑑定方式,加速並加強監測,以落實保障國人健康與安全。

利用包裹具特殊光、電活性標記分子的微脂體為訊息放大劑 (signal amplifier) 可應用在微脂體免疫檢驗法 (LIA: liposome immunoassay)。這些檢定法的理論基礎乃建立在被檢測物與其抗體間特異專有的免疫性辨識結合作用 (immunorecognition reaction),並利用由微脂體中釋出的標記分子達到放大訊號的目的。不同於酵素免疫檢驗法 (ELISA: enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay) 需要多次更換試劑並耗時等待酵素與其基質作用),微脂體之破裂所釋放出的標記分子提供了『立即式』的訊號放大 (instaneous signal amplification)。

本人及研究團隊針對具有不同光、電活性的標記分子進行研究─從最普通的染劑分子such as, sulforhodamine, carboxyfluorescein or methyl blue,到可發冷光的水母蛋白分子such as, aequorin及電化學活性分子such as, potassium ferrocyanide,發展不同型式的免疫生化感測器。

Highlights I–III provide a summary of Dr. Ho’s research in the field of Analytical Chemistry.

Preparation and structure of liposomes

Highlight I Liposomes in Flow Injection Systems

1. Application of Liposomal Bioluminescent Label in the Development of Flow Injection ImmunoAnalytical System [Anal. Chem. 2005, 77 (11), 3431–3436].

2. Application of Ganglioside‐Sensitized Liposomes in a Flow Injection Immunoanalytical System for the Determination of Cholera Toxin [Anal. Chem. 2007, 79 (1), 246–250].

Schematic representation of a Flow‐Injection Liposome Immunoanalytical (FILIA) system with bioluminescence detection.

Reproducibility of the bioluminescence signal.

Highlight II Development of Electrochemial Immunosensors

1. Electrochemical Immunosensor for Cholera Toxin Using Liposomes and poly(3,4‐ ethylenedioxythiophene)‐Coated Carbon Nanotubes [Anal. Chem. 2006, 78 (4), 1115–1121].

2. Dual Electrochemical Determination of Glucose and Insulin Using Enzyme and Ferrocene Microcapsules [Biosens. Bioelectron. 2007, 22, 1147–1153].

Schematic representation of an electrochemical immunosensor for cholera toxin.

Calibration plot for cholera toxin. Inset: Linear portion of the main curve.

Highlight III Liposomes in Immunoaffinity Chromatographic Biosensors

1. Using Liposomal Fluorescent Biolabels To Develop an Immunoaffinity Chromatographic Biosensing System for Biotin [Anal. Chem. 2008, 80 (16), 6405–6409].

Schematic representation of the encapsulation, biolabeling, and detection of glucose and insulin.

Schematic representation of the operation of an immunosensor for the detection of biotin.


本人選擇以微脂體 (liposome) 為其研究重心,除了分析檢驗上的應用,另一研究方向為極具挑戰性的奈米型藥物傳遞系統 (nano Drug Delivery System, nDDS) 的研發。由於 DDS 具備大幅增進現有藥物療效與價值的潛力,因而深受學界、業界長期以來的重視。相較於傳統醫療的經血液循環、致使藥物分散於非病灶之身體各器官的顧慮,DDS 可以被設計為具特定靶向功能之載體,並被相信可增強特定藥物對於標的器官的療效,大幅減低副作用。微脂球 (liposome) 是 DDS 概念的先驅者,為少數被美國 Food and Drug Administration 核可使用於臨床的藥物載體之一,其生化相容性及生物可分解性已被確認。微脂球可被應用於化療藥物的載體 (如Lipo‐Dox),目前已被使用在臨床醫療上;透過靜脈滴注,可選擇性地殺滅癌細胞。本人的團隊在此類研究的貢獻即是利用表面修飾特定抗體的微脂體對於特定癌症標識分子的辨識能力,藉由表面修飾化學以提高微脂體的載藥量,並得以調控藥物釋放之條件與速率,將藥物傳送到病灶,再經由細胞膜融合或胞飲作用將藥物導入病灶細胞之內,達到兼具靶向、高載藥量、以及可調節釋放速率的藥物輸送之目的。此外,本人更藉由與免疫治療 (immuno‐ therapy) 專家暨南大學應化系 吳立真 教授的合作,成功地改善liposome在基因轉殖上的效率。這個成果對於免疫/基因治療的診療效益有十分正面的影響。

此外值得一提的是,吳教授與本人在肝癌/肝硬化治療的合作研究成果使他們贏得 UC‐Davis Professor M. Eric Gershwin (MD, PhD) 的邀請,與其他國際知名團隊聯合出版一本參考書籍 (Spirulina in Human Nutrition and Health),該書已於本年度出版 (出版商CRC press, Botan Roca, LA )。微脂體技術在生醫奈米領域研究所累積的合作成果已於日前投稿於癌症治療相關的國際知名期刊。

Cover of the book Spirulina in Human Nutrition and Health (Publication Date: 2007‐10‐08. ISBN/ASIN: 142005256X)


走在國際研究趨勢的前端,本人與研究團隊全體藉由各種奈米粒子的合成與修飾,改善增強其在分析化學或藥物傳遞與治療的效率利用奈米金所修飾的網版印刷電極 (screen printed electrode) 以期達到電化學分析表現的改善。

Highlight IV Nanomaterial‐Modified Electrochemical Sensors

1. An Attomole DNA Electrochemical Sensor for the Detection of Escherichia coli O157 (Anal. Chem. 2009, 81 (7), 2470–2476).

2. Carbon Nanoparticle‐Enhanced Immunoelectrochemical Detection for Protein Tumor Marker With CdS Biotracers (Anal. Chem. 2009, 81(4), 1340‐1346).

 SEM images of the surfaces of (A) a gold nanoparticle (nanoAu)‐structured screen‐ printed electrode (SPE) after electrodeposition and (B) the bare SPE prior to electrodeposition.

Cartoon representation of the assembly and amplified detection of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) using the anti‐CEA‐CdS biotracer and the carbon nanoparticle/poly(ethylene imine) (PEI)‐modified screen‐printed graphite electrode (CNP–PEI/SPGE)