
Memories and photos from Old Boys and Girls


Thousands of children were (trying to find the right words here) "sent" to Canada and Australia from British Childrens' Homes. There was no encouragement to keep in contact with their families, although there was one organisation which did: William Quarrier’s Home Children Association. Children were taken not only from orphanages but also foster homes. I won't go into great detail here but please follow these links:

Perry Snow has the story of how his father and then himself tried to trace his relatives:

A quote from the Global Gazette, 2000:

"researchers with Home Children in their family trees should devour and savour "Neither Waif Nor Stray" genealogists in search of the backgrounds and records of Home Children will benefit from the insights, direct contacts and avenues discussed by the author. Both the bibliography and the appendix are handbooks in themselves, full of useful information and encouraging sidebars. ... Snow makes strong and unmistakable political statements denouncing both the past and current attitudes of government officials towards young 'waifs and strays' shipped like cattle to Canada.

Please visit his site (Keep a tissue handy!)

Cora's Story - how I found a relative who went (?) to Canada.

This is a link to the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT report on CHILD MIGRATION.

...and I quote "The report highlights a very sorry chapter in Australia ’s history..."

BRITISH PATHE has absolute gems for us researchers. Here is a newsreel of the Cottage Home. Lt Robinson VC, WW1 Hero, being received at the Cottage Homes, Hornchurch.

His story can be viewed here:

I found this site when searching for mercolized wax. I was thrilled by what the chap does whose site it is. It is nothing to do with geneaology or is it... I hope you will read the account of his search for 'The Lost Town of Paris' and of where he found a newspaper advertisement for the wax. The article is reproduced on his site. (To find the article:click on the link below - then hold down the control (Ctrl) key and press f, type: wax into the search box, click on: find next - you'll see heading "Snake Oil" - blooming good read!.

I emailed these two web sites for permission to put some of their images on my site and they both kindly agreed.

London Metropolitan Archives

And not forgetting:

Romford Library

Essex Record Office

Hackney Archives


Tweetybird genealogy:

Vist Coral's pages for Genealogy search links, passenger lists, and information on British Home Children.

Thanks to Coral for her help in uncovering Cora's story.


"This site contains information, on INDUSTRIAL/REFORMATORY SCHOOLS & the like in England and Wales during the 19th and early 20th century. I have prepared list's of children and the teaching staff at several schools, my information is from various sources, including the united kingdom census returns, juvenile court registers, Pentonville remand centre admissions register, county council registers and various individual SCHOOLS admissions and discharge registers."


Care Leavers Association


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